The Limited Times

Art and patronage, Verona celebrates Ugo Zannoni

7/6/2020, 9:35:39 AM

The statue of Dante in the center of Piazza dei Signori looks at the buildings where Cangrande della Scala welcomed him during his exile from Florence is his most famous work. (HANDLE)

(by Luciano Fioramonti) (ANSA) - ROME, JULY 05 - The statue of Dante at the center of the Signori square looks at the buildings where Cangrande della Scalalo welcomed during his exile from Florence is his most famous work. But Verona owes much more to the nineteenth-century sculptor Ugo Zannoni who gave several museums of the city many important works of his collection thanks to which the Gallery of Modern Art was born. Art and patronage, therefore, collecting and commitment to leave the public with a mark of the meaning and value of beauty, passionate and contagious and work to stimulate the generosity of enthusiasts and great collectors with the same purposes, in the exhibition `` The hand that creates. The Public Gallery of Ugo Zannoni (1836-1919) '' which the Achille Forti Gallery in Palazzo della Ragione hosts until January 31st.
    Zannoni - observes the curator Francesca Rossi, director of the Museums, who selected 83 works from the corpus donated by the artist - belonged to the Milanese sculptural school reevaluated in recent times but long rejected by the idealistic twentieth-century criticism for its baroque perfectionism and cut short by a very young Roberto Longhi as an expression of the "most repugnant academy". The negative fate of naturalistic and realistic schooling, in times when the success rewarded the impressionism of Medardo Rosso and the plastic revolution of Rod and Boccioni, also concerned the collection that Zannonia had donated between 1905 and 1919 to the Museum made of 212 works of art, 195 photographs, 5 books, 2 printed booklets, one cartageographic. The collection includes artists whom Zannonifrequentò and other animators of sculptural and pictorial research of the late nineteenth century, such as Domenico Induno, Mosè Bianchi, Filippo Carcano, Leonardo Bazzaro, Julius Lange, Luigi Nono, and the most modern divisionist painter Angelo Morbelli. (HANDLE).

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