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Charles Consigny returns to RMC's “Grandes Gueules”

7/6/2020, 10:42:53 AM

According to our information, the lawyer and former columnist of "We are not lying" by Laurent Ruquier will again make his voice heard in the emi

At 30, the criminal lawyer and former columnist of Laurent Ruquier in "We are not lying" on France 2 is preparing to return regularly to the start of the new season in "Les Grandes Gueules" of RMC, a debate program hosted by Alain Marschall and Olivier Truchot whom he had left to join Ruquier. He returns to the media arena to make his “dissonant voice” heard, opinions which are often clear-cut and frankly liberal.

A year ago, you stopped "We are not in bed" to be "100% lawyer" ... Is that no longer the case?

CHARLES CONSIGNY. Yes, yes, I am a 100% lawyer, even a 200% lawyer, I love what I do. Simply, the period is very particular, the political correctness has resumed an unexpected vigor, the censorship is going well and fairly decisive electoral deadlines arrive, a whole which makes that I accepted the proposal of the “Big Gueules” to return time in time. I go there twice a month.

Missing your point of view?

I realized that I couldn't help but tweet. I was able to find, and I still find, the media, vulgar programs and sometimes akin to a form of circus, which could distance me from all this. However, I have been participating in public debate for almost ten years now, it is a shame not to continue. The lawyer must participate in the life of the city. If only because media fashions also have resonance in the courts.

You talk about circus… What will your role be there?

(Laughter) I hope, precisely, not to give the impression of taking part in a circus ... I have always contributed to public debate in the same way: by saying the most sincerely what I think.

Not always easy…

In reality, it is easier to be completely sincere than to wrap yourself in the tongue of wood or adopt postures. Then, and this is one of the reasons that push me to return to combat, it became complicated to express certain points of view. I am part of a politically liberal current, a word that we can no longer carry in certain media spaces where the left has completely atomized any form of debate. And I want to speak out against that too.

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Eric Dupond-Moretti will have his chronicle on Europe 1 at the start of the new school year ... Is this return to "GG" for you a way of existing in the media?

It helps ... But I don't feel like a lawyer the need to exist in the media. I find it very good that Dupond-Moretti does this, it's all to his credit, especially since it's not going to be pie, a daily, a morning. It's a challenge! For me, it is above all about making a voice heard, mine, a little dissonant.

"Les Grandes Gueules", is it the best place?

I did not ask myself the question. They offered it to me, I accepted. It is a program that I find good spirit and which offers a great freedom of expression. I do not become a chronicler: the speakers of "Grandes Gueules" represent the whole society.

Columnist, you were at "We are not lying", which stopped on Saturday. Did you watch the last one?


Do you regret your visit to this program?

(Laughs) No. It was sometimes a little painful, I could feel a lot of hostility against me on the set. However, it was still interesting to immerse yourself in this television when a page was turned. Old-fashioned TV that had its charm and is disappearing.

Take a dip in the role of the ugly duckling ...

Ugly duckling, I don't know. I tried to be sincere in front of guests who were for a lot in a system, a form of left show biz ... I did this season serenely, trying to remain dignified and calm.

This has not been easy ?

Most of the time I manage to stay calm in the media because I have a kind of distance from things… I visit prisons, correctional courts and offices of examining magistrates several times a week: ca, c is real violence. There is also a lot of humanity and truth. And, frankly, that puts the rest into perspective, the dramas that are knotted on television in particular.