The Limited Times

François Clavairoly, in search of meaning

7/6/2020, 6:32:24 AM

PORTRAIT - President of the Protestant Federation of France and of the Conference of Religious Leaders in France, this reformed pastor established himself during the health crisis as one of the key men in the dialogue between power and the spiritual world.

If there was a "Mr. Religion "in France, it would be him. François Clavairoly, 63, has presided over the Protestant Federation of France since 2013, but this reformed pastor is also the president of the Conference of Heads of Worship in France (CRCF). This body brings together Jews, Christians (Catholics, Orthodox, Protestants) Muslims and Buddhists. It was founded in 2010 on a Protestant idea and has just acquired its maturity during the Covid-19 crisis, by becoming, de facto, the religious interlocutor of the French government.

Read also: François Clavairoly: "God has always protested against death"

All at once, this authentic Protestant - he is the son and grandson of Cévennes pastors - nevertheless rejects the title of "M. Religion". In this confession, nobody can in fact assume any supremacy. But trained in Geneva, this pastor who practiced in Africa, in prison chaplaincies, in important temples and then in Protestant bodies, is very experienced.

This man of faith will remain as one of the key men in the world

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