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Monday: A chance for an acquaintance | Israel today

7/6/2020, 4:37:42 PM

Bulls: It's not time for sentiment - make cold decisions! • Archers: Surprising Call Expected • Full Forecast to 6.7 | horoscope

Bulls: It's not time for sentiment - make cold decisions! • Archers: A surprising conversation with a family member is expected • Full forecast for 6.7

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Today you manage to relax some of the tension you have been in recently. The distress flies out through the open windows and you can breathe in the lungs of fresh air and believe that things are about to change in the positive direction.


A good assessment of the situation will help you to get out of the emotional splash into which you have encountered. This is not the time for sentiment but for cold judgment! You should clarify your position in the shortest and clearest way possible.


Today is a good time for you to go shopping. However, it is advisable to do a market survey so that they do not work for you. That's not what you usually do. Do not go wild, despite the bout of spontaneity that strikes you to an extraordinary degree.


Please note - good intentions are not always sufficient and certainly not interpreted by others. Today you will find yourself in a large number of problematic situations. You respond to what's going on around you and forget to apply logic.


You have a strong need for a component of romance in your life and that is exactly what is happening to you today. A successful night out raises the level of adrenaline you need so much for the mood to rise. You feel enthusiasm and excitement.


This week in second gear and you feel like you need a long vacation. All this is due to the delicate state of the Mercury star in your control over the rest of the sky. Take time intervals between one activity and another and leave room for rest.


The cosmic energies encourage you to discover more initiative and not wait for miracles. Since you have reached certain work-related decisions, it is easier for you to deal with reality. Your head works overtime and very soon you will find that it does not lead you anywhere.


You are not alert enough and you should spend a little more time thinking about how to keep your place. In the romantic realm - the single people today have a chance for a new and exciting acquaintance. For those who are in constant contact - try to bring back the magic that was there in the beginning.


You are expected to have a significant romantic development. For the unoccupied, this is a great day to experiment and test a new level of familiarity. A surprising conversation with a family member is expected. Despite a great temptation for someone to try to dress you up, don't go into business adventures.


The relationship is a bit lame and even if it doesn't seem to have anything dramatic in it, it won't hurt to see what's really going on between you and your 'other half'. In-depth clarification can increase intimacy or blow up your entire business.


Good energy ranks you and screams good news for those of you planning an important trip. A social boom is expected. You will get a lot of compliments from the opposite sex. For those in a relationship - love blossoms. For those who do not fit the day and wonderful for new dating.


Pisces is absorbing the overwhelming and unconventional kind of energy today, but for some reason you're going to spend too much time arranging documents and cabinets. Do not waste yourself on marginal trifles that can be resolved at any other time.

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