The Limited Times

New Crown Pneumonia|Kowloon China Network Development Cloud Clinic takes the lead in visual consultation for neurosurgery patients

7/6/2020, 4:30:19 PM

The outbreak of New Coronary Pneumonia has not stopped, and non-emergency medical services have been blocked. The Kowloon Clinic Hospital Network developed and piloted a cloud-based clinic system to provide online medical interviews to patients with stable medical conditions. In the future, it will be gradually extended to other hospitals within the network, and research will be integrated with medical management. It is the first mobile phone app "HA Go" to be used by neurosurgical patients. After a patient tried it, they thought that video conferencing could reduce the risk of contracting diseases in and out of the hospital. Dr. Mai Kaijun, Deputy Chief Advisor of Neurosurgery at Queen Elizabeth Hospital, and Network Information Technology Coordinator of Kowloon Chinese Medicine Hospital, pointed out that video consultations are more flexible than interviews. Taking their specialists as an example, I believe that the future can be shortened by 1 to 20%. Waiting for specialist time.

Social News

Written by: Chen Shuxia

2020-07-06 07:00

Last update date: 2020-07-06 07:00

The outbreak of New Coronary Pneumonia has not stopped, and non-emergency medical services have been blocked. The Kowloon Clinic Hospital Network developed and piloted a cloud-based clinic system to provide online medical interviews to patients with stable medical conditions. In the future, it will be gradually extended to other hospitals within the network, and research will be integrated with medical management. It is the first mobile phone app "HA Go" to be used by neurosurgical patients.

After a patient tried it, they thought that video conferencing could reduce the risk of contracting diseases in and out of the hospital. Dr. Mai Kaijun, Deputy Chief Advisor of Neurosurgery at Queen Elizabeth Hospital, and Network Information Technology Coordinator of Kowloon Chinese Medicine Hospital, pointed out that video consultations are more flexible than interviews. Taking their specialists as an example, I believe that the future can be shortened by 1 to 20%. Waiting for specialist time.

Dr. Mai (first left) said that the video consultation is mainly for patients with old symptoms and stable condition, and who does not need to take new drugs. I believe that the waiting time for specialists can be shortened by 10 to 20%. Zheng Hong on the right. (Photo by Chen Shuxia)

Dr. Mai Kaijun, Deputy Chief Consultant of Neurosurgery of Queen Elizabeth Hospital and Network Information Technology Coordinator of Kowloon Chinese Medicine Hospital, said that cloud clinics and telemedicine services are new development trends in the future. Social distance, reduce contact infection, networking from February to March, has conceived the development of related systems, the first phase has been implemented in the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Neurosurgery pilot program, invited 8 patients to provide services for them.

The Kowloon Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital develops a cloud-based clinic system online to provide online consultation services for old patients with stable conditions. All patient data in the picture are fictitious. (Photo by Chen Shuxia)

Dr. Mai Kaijun said that the Neurosurgery Department of Yiyuan Hospital treats about 18,000 patients every year. After calculating the plan, it is conservatively estimated that there will be 10% to 20%, or about 1,800 patients, in the long run. He pointed out that the video consultation is mainly applicable to patients with old diseases and stable conditions who do not need to take new drugs. It is believed that the waiting time for specialists can be shortened by 10 to 20%. He explained that hospital consultations have a specified time limit, which is more flexible in the form of video, and can also save the time of doctors and patients. However, patients or their families are still required to come to the site to collect medicine in person. The feasibility of community pharmacies or home delivery is being studied.

Dr. Mai Kaijun continued that in the long run, he will consider combining traditional diagnosis and providing services in a mixed mode. It will also be extended to other hospitals and departments connected to the network, including the Department of Nephrology of Yiyuan Hospital and the Department of Internal Medicine of Guanghua Hospital.

Zheng Hong, manager of the Information Technology System of the Kowloon Chinese Medicine Hospital Network, said that patient data is only stored on the intranet and encrypted to protect patient privacy. He also mentioned that the Zoom platform is currently mainly used for video conferencing. The highest security settings have been set, and the overall system security assessment has been conducted. Without worrying about data leakage, you can switch to other similar platforms at any time. Zheng also stated that he is studying with the HA Headquarters and may join the HA mobile app "HA Go" in the future.

The 62-year-old Mr. Chen (shown in the projection film) lives in Tseung Kwan O, and believes that video consultation can reduce the time of traffic and avoid the risk of infection in and out of the hospital. (Photo by Chen Shuxia)

According to the process, the patient needs to install the required application in advance. On the day of the interview, the nurse will call the patient to confirm his identity, and then send a one-time effective link through the SMS. The doctor will also check the patient's identity again before the video consultation. The two sides will then start a dialogue.

62-year-old Mr. Chen was one of the first patients to try the Yunduan clinic. He performed minimally invasive thoracic spine surgery at the Yi Hospital in mid-September last year, and he needs regular follow-up afterwards. During the epidemic, he worried about the risks of going in and out of the hospital. In addition, he lives in Tseung Kwan O and jumps up and down for hours at a time. "There are many riders, and they are afraid that the crutches will fall." He thinks that the video consultation feels good, and he can continue after the epidemic. "Unless the illness is serious or needs. If you add medicine, it will be almost there."

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