The Limited Times

The parents of Fernando Báez Sosa, between the pain for not being able to go to the cemetery and the anxiety for a key expertise

7/6/2020, 3:49:06 PM

This week they hope to know the results of the scopometric tests, which will establish who kicked their son in the face.

Stephen Mikkelsen Jensen

07/05/2020 - 17:11

  • Clarí
  • Police

The pain of the parents of Fernando Báez Sosa (18), his only son, will be eternal. But these days this feeling is exacerbated by the coronavirus pandemic, since after the quarantine they have to stay at home and cannot even go to the cemetery. The last time was March 19, the day before the presidential decree of social, preventive and compulsory isolation.

"For us it is very sad . It was a sacred place where we were going to spend time with Fernando, praying with my husband, taking out the old flowers and putting new ones, lighting a candle, trying to be quiet for a moment with him," she tells him. to Clarin mother of the victim, Graciela Sosa (53).

For this week, the parents expect a result that can seal the fate of one of the eight rugby players arrested for the crime, committed almost five months ago in Villa Gesell. These are the scopometric expertise on the shoes of the accused, which will determine who it was who kicked Fernando in the face and left the mark.

These studies were to start in February, but they only started on May 29 at the laboratory of the Argentine Federal Police (PFA) in Mar del Plata.

He marches for justice after one month of the crime of Fernando Báez Sosa in Villa Gesell. Photo Juano Tesone.

In principle, the samples had been sent to the Expert Advice of the Public Ministry, in Junín, but due to the suspension of activities due to the mandatory isolation due to the Covid-19 pandemic, everything was transferred to the spa town.

This is the same laboratory where the hijacked cell phones were opened to the accused. From there, numerous tests emerged that incriminate them, especially in the WhatsApp group they shared during their vacation in Villa Gesell, called " Los del Boca 3 ".

Julieta Rossi and Fernando Báez Sosa.

"We wait for this week the result of these matches. Some positive has to come out to determine who was the author, this irresponsible footsteps. One of the stamps had the value to be checked , the other was not clear enough," he told Clarín the lawyer Fernando Burlando, whose study represents the victim's family.

The objective of these expertise is to compare the footprints of the kidnapped slippers in the house that the defendants rented in Gesell with an imprint found on the face of Báez Sosa and, from that comparison, to determine in turn to whom of them the footwear.

Fernando Báez Sosa.

"There is an imprint of a shoe on Fernando's face that has been very graphic, like a stomp with the toe. That drawing is compared by photos with the kidnapped shoes. And we must also determine who is attributed to that shoe" a source in the case told Telam .

In order to complete the expert opinion, the prosecutor of the case, Verónica Zamboni, head of the Functional Instructional Unit 5 of Villa Gesell, ordered the taking of new footprints of the eight rugbiers detained in the Alcaideía of Melchor Romero, to determine the type of tread and specify which of them is the owner of the footwear that hit the victim's face.

Máximo Thomsen, one of the eight rugby players detained at Villa Gesell. Photo Mario Quinteros.

"We are concerned that everything is taking a long time , although they are in agreement with the investigations that are being carried out", sums up Fernando's mother, who rescues that they feel "accompanied by many people" and that "the number of people" that is impressive to them they write "constantly" and "are giving their support from everywhere." Also from their families, who are from Paraguay.

Her husband, Silvino Báez (46), has not yet returned to work in construction, since this activity was not authorized in quarantine. "We try to carry the pain together. There are days that we decline and we support each other. We try to continue, we must be strong, we cannot abandon Fernando like this so easily because he no longer has a voice to defend himself, " says Graciela.

When the quarantine is relaxed, Burlando will again request the arrest of the so-called suspect number 11, whom they place at the crime scene although the prosecutor Zamboni never considered him as a participant in the fact, as well as that the two defendants who were released from prison return to prison .

Last Thursday, Graciela telephoned Julieta Rossi, Fernando's girlfriend, who turned 19 years old. "She is just like us, trying to cope with the pain, very sad, very hurt. I did not know what word to use for that day, finally I said: ' Lean on the beautiful memories, in the happy moments with Fernando, '" he says.

Máximo Thomsen (20), Ciro Pertossi (20), Luciano Pertossi (18), Lucas Pertossi (21), Enzo Comelli (20), Matías Benicelli, are under arrest in charge of the Villa Gesell Guarantees Judge David Mancinelli. (20), Blas Cinalli (19) and Ayrton Viollaz (21). They are accused as co-authors of the crime of " aggravated homicide by treachery and by the premeditated collaboration of two or more people ".

The eight are in Warden 3 of Melchor Romero, in La Plata, after having been transferred on March 12 from Penitentiary Unit 6 in Dolores, where they had been housed since January 29.

Blas Cinalli, who takes the selfie, along with Ayrton Viollaz, Lucas Pertossi, Juan Pedro Guarino, Luciano Pertossi and Máximo Thomsen. Above left, a young man who was not identified.

In early June, DNA expertise further compromised two of the rugbiers: Cinalli, whose blood was found on the nail of the victim's left little finger; and Benicelli, in whose shirt there was his and Báez Sosa's blood.

In the case , Juan Pedro Guarino (19) and Alejo Milanesi (20) are accused as " necessary participants ", who were released on February 10.

Fernando's crime was committed at around 4.40 am on Saturday, January 18, in front of the Le Brique bowling alley, in the center of Villa Gesell, when the young man was attacked with kicks and blows. The brutal assault was recorded by security cameras.