The Limited Times

François Bayrou, High Commissioner for Planning, it is far from being done

7/9/2020, 10:34:36 PM

While rumors are rife, the mayor of Pau tells the Parisian that nothing has been offered to him at this time.

"Why not," said Jean Castex this Wednesday morning at the microphone of RMC-BFMTV. While rumors of a nomination of François Bayrou at the head of a High Commission for Planning are going well, the main party has not, at this stage, been approached. "There is nothing formally acted on, but it is progressing," said a ministerial adviser.

While François Bayrou himself confides to the Parisian that he has not had any proposals at this stage. "But I have always argued for the construction of a High Commission for Planning," he acknowledges, recalling that this idea was already exposed in his book "French Resolution" "(Ed. L'Observatoire) in 2017. “We used to have a General Planning Commission. The first commissioner was Jean Monnet. This shows the authority and prestige that attached to this function, "he wrote for example in a chapter devoted to strategy.

Within the MoDem, this appointment, which would sign the return of François Bayrou to the government after his brief stint in Justice in 2017, would mark a major return to the national level. But beware: according to sources very close to the Béarnais, François Bayrou is not at all sure to accept if he was offered it. "He will necessarily set certain conditions," explains a friend of the mayor of Pau, including a direct connection of this police station to the Elysée. Because it is a long-term subject, and the long term is the responsibility of the President of the Republic. "