The Limited Times

Pope: God asks to disembark, Libya hell

7/9/2020, 6:31:02 PM

It is God "who knocks on our door hungry, thirsty, stranger, naked, sick, inmate, asking to be met and assisted, asking to be able to disembark". (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - VATICAN CITY, JULY 8 - It is God "who knocks on our hungry, thirsty, stranger, naked, sick, prisoner door, asking to be met and assisted, asking to be able to disembark". The Pope said so in the homily of the message dedicated to migrants, on the seventh anniversary of his visit to Lampedusa. Then the pontiff stressed that for migrants Libya is a "hell", a "lager", and "they give us the distilled version. But don't imagine the hell you live there, the concentration camp for these people who came only with the hope".
   Then he relaunched his words spoken on the Sicilian island on July 8, 2013 against "the globalization of indifference" and spoke of the "falsehood" and "injustice", "a sin from which we, Christians of today, are not immune" .

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