The Limited Times

Stopped admits, methadone to dead boys

7/9/2020, 9:16:14 PM

The 41-year-old in custody after the death of the two teenagers from Terni "admitted from the first moment that he had given them methadone, the same that is supplied to him by Sert, being followed as a drug addict": he says, with ANSA , ... (ANSA)

(ANSA) - TERNI, JULY 08 - The 41-year-old in a state of detention after the death of the two teenagers from Terni "admitted from the very first moment that he had given them methadone, the same that he supplied to Sert, being followed as a drug addict": he says , with ANSA, the lawyer MassimoCarignani, defender of man.
    The lawyer met his client this morning, who has been in Sabbione prison since late yesterday evening. The hearing to validate the detention is scheduled for tomorrow morning before judge Barbara Di Giovannantonio.
    "I was able to talk little about it - explains the lawyer Carignan, referring to the meeting with the detainee - because he was sobbing.
   He is a destroyed man, feels guilty for what has happened and has so far lent the maximum collaboration to investigators ".
    For the lawyer, any other evaluation of the investigations must be made" only after a toxicological report ", which will have to clarify what caused the death of the two boys.