The Limited Times

Buffagni, via the Benettons or we are ready to leave

7/10/2020, 5:02:44 PM

We must "give answers and find a solution, what is going on in Liguria is unworthy, what happened two years ago is an unspeakable fact: in our opinion the Benettons must get out of the management of our highways. (ANSA)

(ANSA) - ROME, JUL 10 - We must "give answers and find a solution, what is happening in Liguria is unworthy, what happened two years ago is an incalculable fact: in our opinion the Benettons must get out of the management of our highways. We do not we have doubts, if anyone has other ideas we are also available to let everything go and go away, we leave the country to him ". The Deputy Minister for Economic Development Stefano Buffagni said this amargine of a public event in Carugo (Como). "The theme - said the exponent M5S - is to be able to guarantee citizens safety on the highways, that the Benettons no longer manage them and that there is a decrease in tariffs, any instrumental can use to get to this we are more satisfied". Now "it is too long: we have to be a little faster, a little more courageous". (HANDLE).