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Coronavirus: rush for screening tests before the holidays

7/11/2020, 12:26:06 PM

As summer vacation approaches, the Covid-19 screening labs are filling up with future tourists who come to make sure they can

This Friday, in front of a medical biology laboratory in the 15th arrondissement of Paris, half a dozen people are waiting to be able to do their PCR test, scrupulously respecting the distance meter. Some have symptoms of Covid-19, others want to be reassured by having confirmation of the absence of any traces of virus, for an imminent trip abroad.

This is the case of Amor, 50, who is leaving for Italy next Monday. "A friend advised me to take the test just in case," said the Parisian taxi driver. "I worked during all the confinement and I was never tested, so I preferred to take my precautions", details the man with the big smile and imposing physique, tears in the eye after the test of the 'swab.

Better to take precautions before leaving, some countries require a negative Covid-19 test of less than four days to be able to return to their territory. To avoid any unpleasant surprises, you can first consult the "travel advice" on the website of the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs. This is the case, in particular, of Tunisia or Morocco. Each country has established its own entry rules and leaves the choice to restrict the freedoms of travelers. If the test is not carried out, the latter may be forced to quarantine upon arrival.

A saliva test for travelers from countries at risk

In France, an additional step in the fight against Covid-19 should be implemented soon. "All travelers from countries at risk will be offered within a few days a saliva test", announced this Friday Olivier Véran on BFM. These new tests, "in the process of qualification", are "being purchased" by the Ministry of Health but will not, however, be compulsory.

As a manager in an animal nutrition company, Majid must go to Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire regularly for professional reasons. "The Ivorian government has put in place a travel declaration to fill in online with proof of negative PCR test within 48 hours of departure," he explains. Hidden under his mask, the quadra tweaks the latest reimbursement measures for the test carried out without a prescription.

Noelly, 46, also plans to fly to Côte d'Ivoire soon. The housekeeper looking for a job came to be tested on the advice of her doctor. A week ago, the serological test was negative. Noelly comes today with her daughter to be sure that two days before her departure, they have not contracted the virus. "If I catch it, I will know that it comes from there", details the one who plans to find her family in Africa.

Wait times are getting longer

Like her, many French people have passed through the doors of laboratories offering screening. "For the past two weeks, we have noted a marked increase in tests linked to travel departures," notes one of them located in the Mutualité district in Paris (Ve). "This sometimes leads to delays in the results which can go up to 72 hours of waiting against 24 normally". The same goes for the 12th arrondissement: waiting times are getting longer.

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So much so that future travelers going on vacation, who began to flock in early July, are now the most likely to be tested, according to the establishments we were able to reach. Then come the patients who need to be operated on in the hospital, contact cases and finally the symptomatic people.