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DIRECT. Coronavirus: Trump continues to play down crisis despite nearly 134,000 dead

7/11/2020, 12:55:48 PM

Experts from the World Health Organization are expected this Saturday in Beijing for an exploratory mission before the start of the inquiry.

> The essential

  • France has passed the 30,000 death mark linked to the new coronavirus. According to the latest assessment from the Directorate General of Health, 25 people have died from Covid-19 in the past 24 hours, for a total of 30,004 victims since the start of the epidemic.
  • An epidemiologist and an animal health specialist from the World Health Organization are going to China on Saturday for an exploratory mission to determine the origin of the new coronavirus.
  • Brazil crosses the 70,000 dead mark with a level of new contaminations in 24 hours still very high at more than 45,000 cases.
  • The United States, the most affected country with more than 133,000 deaths, records more than 63,000 additional cases in 24 hours with 774 deaths.

> Follow the day's events live:

9:39 a.m. A Coronavirus positive Sporting Kansas City player. A player from Sporting Kansas City, a team that participates in the resumption of the North American Championship (MLS) season, tested positive for Covid-19 and was quarantined, the club said. The player, whose identity has not been released, has undergone two tests, both positive, since his arrival at the "MLS is Back" tournament which began on Wednesday in Orlando, Florida.

9:25 a.m. Help with unpaid rents: “the first day, we received 11,000 files! " One week after its launch, more than 35,000 payment requests have already been made to Action Logement, 16% of them in Ile-de-France. Read here.

9:14 a.m. Trump continues to play down the health crisis. Donald Trump, who continues to minimize the outbreak of new Covid-19 cases in the country, traveled to Miami, Florida on Friday, one of the current hotbeds of the Covid-19 epidemic, but the coronavirus was not on the agenda of his travels, particularly centered on military command for South America.

Doral (United States) July 10, 2020. REUTERS / Kevin Lamarque.  

9:05 a.m. The Copa Libertadores will resume on September 15. The Copa Libertadores, the South American equivalent of the European Champions League, will resume on September 15 after being interrupted in March due to the epidemic of coronavirus, announces the South American football confederation.

8:58 a.m. Covid-19: how summer camps are trying to reassure parents and children. The summer camps, which accommodate 850,000 children, were not spared from the Covid crisis, and had to cope with numerous cancellations. With a strict health protocol, some were able to reopen for a fun and learning summer. Our subject to discover here.

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8:49 a.m. The difficult Californian equation for the reopening of schools. Back to school should take place in just a few weeks in California, but many parents are wondering and worried about the new contamination records.

Even if children seem to have a tendency to develop less serious forms of the coronavirus, it is difficult for the youngest to respect the barrier gestures for several hours, and the fear of contagion is on the minds of the majority of Californian families.

8:43 a.m. Summer holidays: canceled flights, late reimbursements… customers on edge. Airline customers pay the high price for a complicated health and economic situation. Read here.

8:32 a.m. Record of deaths in Texas and Florida. Some 774 people have died of Covid-19 in the United States in the past 24 hours, and the epidemic has claimed a total of 133,969 victims in the country. Experts fear that the death curve will quickly follow the same path as that of new infections. In recent days, Texas and Florida have each reported their record number of deaths since the start of the pandemic.

Miami (United States), July 10, 2020. Faced with the explosion of contamination in Florida, restaurants must now close their indoor dining rooms. AFP / Joe Raedle  

8:26 a.m. Barrier gestures, hand washing ... the circular back to school published. The Ministry of National Education also provides "an educational continuity plan" in the event of more active circulation of the coronavirus. Our subject to read here.

8:22 a.m. The North American Ice Hockey League will resume on August 1. The North American Ice Hockey League (NHL) Steering Committee and player representatives have signed an agreement to resume the season interrupted on March 12 by the coronavirus pandemic on August 1.

8:17 a.m. Washington welcomes the WHO investigation. The United States welcomes the investigation launched by the World Health Organization (WHO) into the origins of the virus in China, where two experts from the organization are expected in the coming hours for an exploratory mission.

"We view this scientific investigation as a necessary step to have a full and transparent understanding of how this virus has spread around the world," said American Ambassador to the United Nations in Geneva Andrew Bremberg in a statement. unusually positive about WHO.

8:10 a.m. Violence during a demonstration outside the Parliament in Belgrade. Violence punctuated Friday evening in Belgrade the fourth evening of demonstrations against the management of the pandemic by the Serbian authorities, demonstrators throwing stones, firecrackers and smoke into the police in front of the parliament.

The majority of the few thousand demonstrators were peaceful, but groups, composed of young people often with masked faces, threw firecrackers, sometimes sang nationalist slogans or songs proclaiming Serbian tutelage over Kosovo, before crossing the security barriers and climb the steps leading to the parliament.

7.54 a.m. Over 556,000 dead worldwide. The pandemic has killed at least 556,140 people worldwide, according to the latest official report. More than 12,361,580 cases of infection have been diagnosed in 196 countries and territories.

7.40 a.m. More than 70,000 dead in Brazil. Brazil is the most affected Latin American country and the second in the world. He has crossed the 70,000 mark (exactly 70,398 deaths) after recording an additional 1,214 deaths in the past 24 hours. Contaminations amount to more than 1.8 million cases.

7:30 a.m. 63,643 additional contaminations in the United States. Since the start of the pandemic, more than 3.18 million cases of coronavirus have been detected in the United States, but the number of people who contracted the disease is probably much higher, due to the difficulties of access to tests that existed in the country in March and April.

Some 774 people have died of Covid-19 in the United States in the past 24 hours, and the epidemic has claimed a total of 133,969 victims in the country, which is by far the most bereaved in the world.

7:25 a.m. WHO experts expected in China. Experts from the World Health Organization are expected this Saturday in Beijing for an exploratory mission before the start of the investigation that WHO wants to conduct on the origin of the virus that appeared in China in late 2019.

VIDEO. Covid-19, a "test for global solidarity", according to the WHO

7.15 a.m. Calls for vigilance. During this long weekend of July 14 and going on vacation, the General Directorate of Health also recalls the importance of barrier gestures which “remain more than ever in order: protection of the elderly and the most fragile, hygiene of hands, physical distance and wearing of the general public mask when the distances are not respected, in particular in confined spaces. "

VIDEO. Covid-19: Laval cancels its public events in the face of an upsurge of positive cases

7:10 a.m. France passes the 30,000 dead mark. According to the latest assessment from the Directorate General of Health, 25 people have died from the coronavirus in the past 24 hours, for a total of 30,004 victims since the start of the epidemic. 496 patients are hospitalized in intensive care.

VIDEO. Coronavirus: low-cost coffins for the poor in New Delhi