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Disability, digital, tourism, animal condition… they all want their secretary of state

7/11/2020, 6:42:14 PM

Jean Castex's government currently has only ministers and deputy ministers. Pending the appointment of secretary

A Prime Minister, 16 ministers, 14 deputy ministers, a spokesperson… and how many secretaries of state? Those who were already there in the government of Edouard Philippe wait impatiently to know if they will be maintained in their functions under Jean Castex. Not to mention the many elected majority who hope to be called to join the team presented on Monday, July 6.

The announcement of the Secretaries of State should not take place before next week, probably not before the general policy speech of the head of government, scheduled for Wednesday afternoon. In the meantime, in several sectors, association leaders and leaders are making loud and clear their wish to be represented in government.

"Essential that tourism be clearly identified"

As soon as the list of ministers and deputy ministers was announced, “I was immediately surprised that the 13 million people affected by disability in France did not, at a minimum, have a deputy minister devoted to this subject. "Squeaks Christophe Roth, national delegate for equal opportunities and health at work of the CFE-CGC union, joined by Le Parisien.

The Ministry of Autonomy must not erase the priority of disability and the ambition of an inclusive society!
I understood that disability policy was a priority for the five-year term.
At the same time, no announcement in this regard, no minister or deputy minister!
To be continued!

- Christophe ROTH (@ROTH_CFECGC) July 6, 2020

The post was previously occupied by Sophie Cluzel and it is likely that it will remain filled by the end of the mandate. It remains to be seen by whom. But Christophe Roth has another request: that the future Secretary of State for Disability be attached to the head of government, and not to any minister. "It would be both symbolic and also useful for transversality, because disability concerns subjects related to citizenship, school, health, work, etc.", he underlines.

A secretary of state attached to Matignon, this is also what Christian Mourisard, the president of ADN Tourisme, which brings together several professional federations in the sector. “It seems essential that tourism be clearly identified within the new government by a State secretariat dedicated to this sector. And because the latter's action cannot be done without the coordination of very diverse interlocutors (economic, but also diplomatic, cultural, etc.), it seems to us no less important that this State Secretariat should be attached directly to the Prime Minister. Minister, "he wrote in a statement released on Friday.

“Our first surprise was not to hear the word tourism in the powers of ministers and deputy ministers, when it is one of the sectors most impacted by the Covid-19. We are all the more surprised that the President of the Republic has given us three hours of his time for a conference on the sector ", adds to the Parisian the president of the National Grouping of Independent Hotel and Catering (GNI), Didier Chenet, who says he is "disappointed".

Digital, animal condition, elderly…

At the State Secretariat in charge of digital , Cédric O does not know whether he will be kept in his functions. Meanwhile, professionals in the sector are also sorry. "The absence of Minister of Digital remains a very bad signal," said Tuesday morning Nicolas Brien, boss of France Digitale, in L'Obs.

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Another sector which wants its secretary of state: the animal condition . "Create a sort of defender of rights or a State secretariat dedicated to the animal condition", is, in any case, part of the proposals of a report presented at the end of June by the deputy LREM Loïc Dombreval.

Unions have also called for the creation of a State secretariat for the elderly , when Senator Nathalie Goulet pleads in Le Figaro for "a State secretariat dedicated to the fight against fraud in public finances ". According to La Lettre A, a State Secretariat for Audiovisual within the Ministry of Culture is also planned. The youth and European affairs could also be represented. Even if the new government cannot only make people happy.