The Limited Times

Here are the rules for choosing pizza well

7/11/2020, 3:39:34 PM

A handbook for choosing pizza well, food among the symbols of Made in Italy and the passion of Italians evidenced by the increase in consumption especially in summer., a site promoted by the Yeast from sugars group of Assitol, the Association of the Italian Oil Industry (ANSA), proposes some tips not to make a mistake.

ROME - A handbook for choosing pizza well, food among the symbols of Made in Italy and the passion of Italians evidenced by the increase in consumption especially in summer., a site promoted by the Yeast from sugars group of Assitol, the Association of the Italian oil industry, offers some tips to avoid mistakes. On the portal you can find out what to look at in the pizza to understand if you have chosen the right place to eat it and if we will be able to digest it well. Among the indicators to watch out for in a pizzeria or bakery to understand the quality level of the pizza, the shape and, in general, the good appearance, which - say the experts - must be rounded. It is also indicated that "a good pizza must be consistent and well cooked" stating that "if it appears moist inside it means that it is badly cooked". Among the other elements not to be forgotten is that pizza "must melt in your mouth", that is, it must be easy to eat. When cut it must not be rubbery or heavy. It is emphasized that another quality visual indicator are the "bubbles", "or the alveoli, which clearly show whether the pizza dough has risen to perfection". It is specified that "the alveoli must be round, but not present in excessive quantities".

Do not neglect the right leavening "because, if well done - it is explained - it makes the pizza more digestible and light". Finally, the importance of the dressing is recommended, paying attention to the dose of salt which can cause "an annoying thirst, often accompanied by water retention with possible swelling".