The Limited Times

Quarantine in the City: Diego Santilli said that what happens between Monday and Thursday will be key to deciding more openings

7/11/2020, 10:28:50 PM

The Deputy Head of Government assured that with the Province they have a common strategy, but that each one follows their tactics.

07/11/2020 - 10:22

  • Clarí
  • Politics

Hours after an internal document of the City government circulated in which the different commercial openings are listed for after July 17 in stages, the deputy head of the Buenos Aires government, Diego Santilli confirmed that they work with that information and that the health evolution between The next Monday and Thursday will be "key". In addition, he remarked that although there is a joint strategy with the Province of Buenos Aires, the City has a "differentiated tactic".

"What we have is, as from day one, a working document made by our technical teams to carry out each of the stages and analyze the horizon. Every time we have a meeting with the President (Alberto Fernández), with the Governor (Axel Kicillof), we do it with technical documents, supporting numbers, "Santilli acknowledged about the draft of the Buenos Aires government that reached the press on Friday.

"We all know that a quarantine phase ends on the 17th and we have to analyze how to move forward. This week is going to be key in terms of health numbers, of how the curve continues . The City has improved a lot in terms of multiplication days , we are in 29 days and in a moment of crisis we were in 11 days. In the "R" curve it is low, in some it is negative, we are in 28 neighborhoods of the City diagnosing, testing and isolating the population with coronaviruses ", remarked the deputy head of Buenos Aires government to the program "Saturday very early" on radio Miter .

The document that circulated in the media is divided into four segments: Comprehensive Well-Being, Economy, Children and Education, and Transportation and Mobility . According to that draft, the first opening will include individual physical activity , or the return of the runners, local shops that closed on July 1, which includes bookstores, neighborhood galleries in areas with little circulation of people, removals, music for streaming and boys recreational walks every day.

"There is no decision made, but clearly we have a working document to, depending on the health evolution, make decisions. We can reopen non-essential businesses in areas of high passability; on all issues that have to do with space public where it is already clear that the probability of contagion is much less than in closed environments, they are analyzes that we carry out ", explained Santilli.

In turn, the deputy head of the Buenos Aires government clarified what working with the government of the Province is like: " We have a joint strategy and we analyze a differentiated tactic , a neighborhood in La Matanza is not the same as a neighborhood in the center of the City That is what we have to analyze. We have had attitudes of mutual understanding. Today if you look at the Province of Buenos Aires it is working with industries, a different tactic from that of the City, which has closed its main work scheme, which are services and commerce. Today a differentiated tactic is working working on a joint strategy , you have to see the health evolution. "

" In the health evolution of the City, despite the fact that there are more cases, it is on the path we are seeing but we are going to evaluate from Monday to Thursday. If everything goes in the sanitary numbers that we think, we could retake the phase in which we were gradually before. As soon as it is possible, in health terms, to return to the highest normality possible, understanding that normality forwards will surely be different, "Santilli concluded this Saturday, less than a week after the end of the strict quarantine to which the AMBA returned on July 1.