The Limited Times

Smart working and not 'remote work', law enforcement

7/11/2020, 4:31:59 PM

Senator Parente (Iv), return to norm 81/2017 (ANSA)"Ok to smart working but let's go back to the spirit of law 81/2017 which defines it" now the password is "to extend it, consequently to Conte's extension of the state of emergency, but to tie it to the bargaining between the parties and the carrying out the work itself which is based on objectives and phases as required by law and providing for a gradual return between face-to-face and distance w...

"Ok to smart working but let's go back to the spirit of law 81/2017 which defines it" now the password is "to extend it, consequently to Conte's extension of the state of emergency, but to tie it to the bargaining between the parties and the carrying out the work itself which is based on objectives and phases as required by law and providing for a gradual return between face-to-face and distance work ". It is the proposal of the Senator of Italy Viva Annamaria Parente, vice-president of the Permanent Commission on Labor in the Senate who at ANSA says: "It could arrive in the next government measures" regarding smart working and the extension of the Covid state of emergency 19 until next 31 December.

"During the state of emergency - he specifies - in fact we have witnessed not a smart working but a remote job". The Senator, supporter of the first hour of the law on agile work explains that "with the state of emergency a suspension of the norm has been decided with a generalized smart working that goes beyond the individual agreement provided for by the law". "With the extension of the state of emergency to December 31st consequently smart working will be extended - he adds - but I think that gradually we must return to the spirit of the law which is to tie it to the expected bargaining that was suspended in the emergency moment". Regarding the importance of this method, he then reiterates: "Meanwhile, because agile work is not said to be done at home but in another place, as it was obviously not possible to do during the lockdown" and because "in addition, the law provides for work based on results and for objectives not on time to make work compatible with the family even from home ". "The legislation of February-March - Parente underlines - does not say that no agreement is made but that it can be suspended and above all in the current debate on family work reconciliation, in particular for women, it is instead an important tool, therefore there is no need to tie the I work in agile mode at times and remember that the right to disconnect is provided in the law ".

In the transitional period until December 31 for Senator Parente also "with the gradual return to the alternation between office and agile work will have to be calibrated with the reorganization of transport in cities, lower the level of traffic, and link law 81 to welfare company to encourage work-family reconciliation ". For this "we will also have to resume the rule on corporate welfare which provides productivity incentives on second-level wages to those who work smart and so on how we encourage companies to include it in corporate welfare and therefore put it in the bed of conciliation, perhaps thinking regulatory or tax incentives. "

In the transition period, also to meet the economic crisis of the shops, Parente also proposes "forms of coworking, places where three or four people gather who do agile work and can stay together and thus reconcile it also with the crisis of the commercial establishments in the centers of cities that have suffered the absence of citizens in the workplace ". The vice president of the Labor Commission of Palazzo Madama also claims that smart working should "be incentivized for people with disabilities - who have passed an amendment to the Dl Raise - who are also the most exposed to the epidemic". Now the goal for the senator is that "smart working returns to the spirit of the law" and "at the same time provide for a gradual return to work especially for the PA, to gradually resume, being careful of the evolution of the epidemic, a "normal" life, taking advantage of the experience of these months to relaunch innovative ways of working and closer to the needs of people and companies ". Finally, Parente has no doubts: "The substance of agile work is also the autonomy of the worker who organize themselves on a goal that they must achieve and therefore manage to reconcile work with the family".