The Limited Times

"Only 50% of patients are located" Israel today

7/16/2020, 11:02:55 PM

The chairman of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee warned that despite the epidemiological investigations and GSS locations, only half of the patients in Corona are located | political

The chairman of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee warned that despite the epidemiological investigations and GSS locations, only half of the patients in Corona were located.

  • Chairman of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee Zvi Hauser


    Gideon Markovich

The Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee began today (Wednesday) discussions in preparation for the second and third readings of the law that will allow the GSS to assist in locating GSS patients

Committee Chairman Zvi Hauser (Derech Eretz) said at the hearing that "with the tools available to us today - the epidemiological inquiry as the basic tool, in addition to the GSS tool - we locate only about 50% of patients, based on data from the Ministry of Health on patient numbers and coefficient. Average adhesion.

More on this topic:

• Netanyahu hints at closure: "In order to preserve the situation, we will have to make the right decisions"

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"In this state of affairs, I seek to establish a multi-layered defense and detection system, which includes the parallel use of an expanded and upgraded epidemiological investigation system, the use of a voluntary civilian widget, the Shield 2.0, and the use of GSS capabilities. "The Israeli government must use together all the tools at its disposal in order to reduce the number of patients and try to flatten the curve," he concluded.

Earlier in the day, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned against imposing another closure, noting Israel's positive mortality figures so far in dealing with the plague. "Once again, global data indicate Israel's success in dealing with the corona plague," the prime minister wrote.

PM Netanyahu yesterday on dealing with the second wave of the corona // Photo: GPO

"To maintain this situation, we must continue now to make the right decisions. Otherwise, we may degenerate into more morbidity and more deaths," Netanyahu continued, "even now, as the second wave hits us and many other countries around the world, we must do everything we can together. In order to continue to fight together against the growing spread of the virus, "he wrote on his Twitter account.

Netanyahu's remarks come against the background of the sharp rise in infection in recent weeks, when only this morning four people died from the virus and yesterday 1,573 new patients were diagnosed with the disease. There has also been a sharp increase in the number of patients, from 181 yesterday to 195 this morning.

The report of the Center for Information and Knowledge of the National Security Agency and the Ministry of Health, published earlier this morning, shows that Lod, Ramla, Kiryat Malachi, Jerusalem, Beit Shemesh are on the list of red cities that require "dedicated treatment" that includes, among other things, closure. And more elite.

Two cities with an alarming increase are Qalansawa, where the number of patients has risen from 14 to 65 in the past week (a doubling rate of 4.71) and Gan Yavne, where there has been an increase from 31 patients to 92 - a doubling of 3.13. A pirate graduation party of students from one of the schools in the city was held in Gan Yavne, where 28 infected people have been located so far.