The Limited Times

5 seeds that you must consume for their excellent health benefits

7/16/2020, 7:53:02 PM

Having a seed-based eating plan is highly recommended by nutritionists, and these seeds are essential to take care of your health.

Having a seed-based eating plan is highly recommended by nutritionists. The seeds are rich in proteins, fats, fiber, vitamins and minerals, which is why they are essential in the daily diet.

According to José Graziano da Silva of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, they should start promoting these foods to combat problems such as malnutrition in the world.

In an interview with Infobae, Graziano da Silva stated, “A healthy diet begins with healthy soils and healthy seeds. These will form the basis for sustainable agriculture and the production of nutritious food. They are also important in building sustainable food systems that help reduce food waste and loss. ”

So it is time for you to start introducing the seeds in your diet and there are five of them that are essential. Check out the details in the video above.

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