The Limited Times

A US mayor saves a couple's wedding

7/16/2020, 11:06:31 PM

Apparently everything was ready for the wedding of a couple in Massachusetts, but the reverend who was to officiate the ceremony never came. The mother of the bride, desperate, saw the solution c ...

Apparently everything was ready for the wedding of a couple in Massachusetts, but the reverend who was to officiate the ceremony never came. The mother of the bride, desperate, saw the solution when she identified in a place near Carlo DeMaria, mayor of Everett, a town in that state in the US. The woman asked if she could marry the bride and groom, but DeMaria asked said he did not have the legal authority. However, the mayor called the state governor, Charlie Baker, who gave him an emergency power to officiate the ceremony. This is how the bride and groom were able to say yes.