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Coronavirus: four key facts to know about the Moderna vaccine tested in the US

7/16/2020, 10:29:53 PM

Who it was tested on. How it was applied. And what effect did some of the questions we answered here have on those people?

07/15/2020 - 10:39

  • Clarí
  • World

The vaccine against the new coronavirus of Moderna showed promising results and could be ready by 2021. In this note, we key aspects that need to know about this project.

It is an investigational vaccine against the SARS-CoV-2 virus that was well tolerated and generated neutralizing antibody activity in healthy adults that was tested in the United States, according to provisional studies published by The News England Journal of Medicine and cited by official US sources.

Called mRNA-1273 , the vaccine is developed by researchers at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), which is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and the modern pharmaceutical company, based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

To whom and how it was applied

The vaccine was tested on 45 people , ages 18 to 55.

Two doses  of mRNA-1273 administered 28 days apart at three levels (25, 100, 250 micrograms) were applied to these people in the 45 adult participants, all healthy, and gave results on day 57 .

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"These phase 1 data demonstrate that vaccination with mRNA-1273 elicits a robust immune response at all dose levels," said Moderna chief medical officer Tal Zaks, who is confident it will move to the third phase this month. of July.

For his part, the executive director of Moderna, Stéphane Bancel, described as "encouraging" the "positive data" of this first phase. "They represent an important step forward in the clinical development of mRNA-1273, our vaccine candidate for Covid-19," he added.

Specifically, the two doses of the vaccine raised more antibodies than those who had Covid disease.

The NIH explained it this way: the doses "caused high levels of neutralizing antibody activity that were above the average values ​​observed in convalescent sera obtained from people with confirmed disease."

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Adverse effects

Regarding the health safety of the volunteers, “no serious adverse events were reported,” but some participants did experience some type of effect.

"More than half of the participants reported fatigue, headache, chills, myalgia or pain at the site of the application," the statement said, specifying that adverse events "were more common after the second vaccination and in those who received the highest dose. "

When would it be available

The trial, which now has 120 participants, was extended last April to people over 55 . On July 8, Moderna announced that it was preparing phase 3 of its experimental Covid-19 vaccine, which will include 30,000 participants in the US . and that it was “on the right track to start in July”.

According to Moderna, "the company is on track to deliver approximately 500 million doses a year and possibly up to a billion doses a year starting in 2021."

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 300 coronavirus vaccines are currently in the trial phase.

With information from EFE and DPA