The Limited Times

Coronavirus: Mishustin, Russia has overcome peak epidemic

7/16/2020, 8:41:29 PM

Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin claims that Russia has passed the peak of the Covid-19 epidemic. The Interfax agency reports. "The situation is palpably improving. (ANSA)

(ANSA) - MOSCOW, JULY 15 - Russian Prime Minister MikhailMishustin claims that Russia has overcome the peak of the Covid-19 epidemic. The Interfax agency reports. "The situation is palpably improving. We have overcome the peak of the epidemic," Mishustin told a Coordination Council meeting for the response to the coronavirus. Russia aims to resume international flights.
    Last week the Russian national institute of statistics Rosstat reported that in May at least 7.444 people died in Russia as a result of Covid-19, a figure well above the previous estimate of the Moscasec health authorities according to which 3,633 people would have died in May due to coronavirus. (HANDLE)