The Limited Times

Local TV, growing but not all

7/16/2020, 9:18:32 PM

A growing consumption, albeit wildly: it is the photograph of the ratings of local TV stations in the first half of this year, compared by Studio Frasi with the first six months of 2019. (ANSA)

(ANSA) - ROME, JULY 15 - A growing consumption, even if it is a leopard patch: it is the photograph of the ratings of local TV stations in the first half of this year, compared by Studio Frasi with the first six months of 2019.
    Based on Auditel data (which measures the average and contact-monthly audience of 199 local broadcasters), the overall audience of all Italian clubs in the first six months of 2020 on average increased by 35%, the highest percentage of the overall growth in TV consumption (+ 16%). But the increase is not homogeneous: not all broadcasters grow and not in all regions. Val d'Aosta, Umbria and Lazio, for example, record an uncalo, while the set of local broadcasters visible in Liguria doubles their ratings. In terms of increases in the average audience, Veneto, Friuli, Marche, Calabria and Puglia follow, all with growths of over 40%.
    In the general classification, the most popular among the clubs is TeleNorba from Puglia, followed by the Sardinian Videolina. But to understand the 'weight' of the premises, the peculiarities of the different regions (population density and orographic characteristics) and the ratings produced by the other networks must be considered. Only in 6 regions out of 20 - does the Phrase Study again - a local broadcaster is among the top 15 most popular channels: in Liguria Primo Canale; in Veneto Antenna three Veneto; Channel 21 in Campania; TeleMolise in Molise; TeleNorba in Puglia; Videolina in Sardinia. All broadcasters who have seen their ratings grow and the number of contacts in the monthly average from June 2020 to June 2020 and the same period of 2019 and which reached the top during the lockdown: in particular, between March and May Antenna3 Veneto, Telemolise and Primo Canale have quadrupled and tripled their ratings and doubled their contacts.
    "However, not all local TV stations have enjoyed the attention of their audiences, a sign that the maintenance system of these broadcasters must be reviewed and perfected", fanfare Francesco Siliato, head of the Osservatorio dello Studi Frasi. (HANDLE).