The Limited Times

Sister brothers abuse of male case

7/16/2020, 3:30:58 PM

Brothers and sisters love, the woman involved in the man’s bed case is short and suspected of more abuses. The male grad who graduated with honors in the computer science department continued to give testimony. In his first love, he finished things quickly in the absence of sexual experience. The female victim was dissatisfied and repeatedly abused and beat him. Once he hit his head. He said he had a headache but his heart was even more painful. "Meet the other party, but stressed that he has no sexual dysfunction.

Social News

Written by: Zhu Xinxin

2020-07-15 15:33

Date of last update: 2020-07-15 16:17

Brothers and sisters love, the woman involved in the man’s bed case is short and suspected of more abuses. The male grad who graduated with honors in the computer science department continued to give testimony. In his first love, he finished things quickly in the absence of sexual experience. The female victim was dissatisfied and repeatedly abused and beat him. Once he hit his head. He said he had a headache but his heart was even more painful. "Meet the other party, but stressed that he has no sexual dysfunction.

The defendant, Mai Kaiqing (39 years old), who worked as an insurance broker at the time of the incident, was accused of attacking and maliciously injuring a 32-year-old male victim X in a unit in Happy Valley from May to August 29, 2018.

The victim sighed first love for such a woman

When questioned by the defense lawyer, X revealed that the defendant had kicked him in addition to shaking his head against the wall. X admitted that his head was painful at the time, but "his heart is even more painful", referring to his first meeting with his girlfriend, "I don't think I know the left person". But after the defendant hit him, he promised not to use force against him again.

The female defendant Mai Kaiqing (orange-red bag) was charged with five counts of wounding and assault. (Photo by Li Huina)

My aunt suggested that the defendant should pay to buy a house

He also disclosed that on August 15, 2018, he had dinner with the family of both parties. During the banquet, X's aunt suggested that the defendant should contribute funds when the two bought the building, and the defendant did not agree. After the two returned to their residence, they broke up with the defendant and drove X away, throwing X's personal belongings outside the unit. He was allowed to enter the house afterwards, but he had to kneel on the ground.

The defendant threw the ring bought by the two into the toilet, but did not flush the toilet. X retrieved the ring in the toilet, but the defendant threw the ring somehow, and X failed to retrieve it. The defendant then hit X's head with an iron stool. X described "the blood of all the people in the land".

Sister brother's case of male abuse

Sister brother abuse case|The victim said that his girlfriend had been soaked with chili oil and sobbed: I am so sad

The defendant in the case of two men involved in gang rape of a newly-married young woman claimed that the victim’s enjoyment process was difficult to explain to her husband before she was raped

Defendant's sexual needs are needed every day

X also revealed that the defendant's sexual needs are great, "I need me every day." However, the defendant accused X of having no dating experience and no sexual experience, and finished the matter quickly, failing to satisfy her, so he persuaded him to buy "Viagra". X only ordered "Viagra" but emphasized no sexual dysfunction.

I loved the defendant

The defense asked X why he continued to return to the residence after being beaten. X's voice explained hoarsely, "I don't want to give up this relationship easily", and also said that after being beaten, "I have nothing to break up, I loved it at that time."

Case number: DCCC1193/2018

Sister loves to assault the court

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