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Val-d'Oise: deprived of driving license due to an administrative error

7/16/2020, 10:48:39 PM

In September 2018, this Saint-Witz resident discovered by chance that his B license, which he has held for almost 40 years, does not exist

"At the beginning, it's almost funny but then it starts to be really heavy. I don't know what to do anymore, ”says Patrick Joyeux, somewhat disappointed. This resident of Saint-Witz has been confronted with what seems to be an administrative imbroglio for more than a year and a half, which deprives him of being able to drive a car.

However, his license, which was given to him 40 years ago, has never been suspended or canceled for any offense. The Val-d'Oisien has just brought the case to justice.

No computer record of his license

“I am also a biker. And it was during a routine check by the gendarmerie that the soldiers informed me that if I had been in a car, they should have stopped my vehicle because my B permit has a problem, they cannot find it in the basic, ”recalls Patrick Joyeux, however, owner of the pink sesame duly stamped by the prefecture.

Contacted shortly after this intriguing exchange, the Val-d'Oise permit services confirm that they have no computer record. His request is then sent to the national office of driving rights under the Ministry of the Interior.

Worried about the consequences in the event of an accident when he could not administratively prove possession of his license B, Patrick Joyeux has since refrained from driving any car. Especially since he hopes that his situation will be resolved quickly. But it is not.

The administration does not react despite its reminders

"Once, my file left for Beauvau, no more news despite my numerous reminders," he says. Until March when I receive an email from the former office manager who assures me that he will take care of my case, and then ... nothing. "

And these numerous emails and letters, the service not being reachable by phone, then did not change anything. "It is this lack of response that annoys me the most, it is supposed to be a public service," annoys Patrick Joyeux.

And this Val-d'Oisien to have even thought for a while to retake his driving license. "I was ready for it even if it's still crazy since I already have it." But I was advised against it because it might cause various problems and in addition I would have been considered a young driver for 2 years. "

Personal and professional consequences

The father therefore decided to take up a lawyer and to take his case to court recently. "Because the consequences are being felt more and more on my life," he says.

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Both professional and personal. “At the moment, for example, I have sciatica and therefore I cannot take my motorcycle. Impossible then to move to my customers and it begins to harm me, "explains this manager of an IT service company of which he is the only employee.

Difficult also to help his family as he would like. “My son had huge health concerns and I can't take him to the hospital when he needs to. And I'm not even talking about everyday needs. There is really an aberration in the system. "

He attacks the state at the administrative court

"This is an incredible story," says Maître Rémy Josseaume, lawyer for Patrick Joyeux. The latter filed a few days ago an application for interim measures to the administrative court of Pontoise. This would have already been transmitted to the ministry which will thus have to answer on this situation which would be due to an error during the computerization of the data of the national file, probably in 1992 at the time of the passage to the license to point.

“I have already had anomalies in this type of file with utterly incoherent inconsistencies. Error is human, that's not what we blame. It is that the administration does nothing to correct it, emphasizes the council. There, we are in the case of a known error for more than a year and it does not advance. "

For this specialist in road law, the case of Patrick Joyeux is indicative of "a failing administration which can no longer manage driving licenses". "What I dispute in this kind of litigation is that we always place the citizen in a situation of alleged wrong, believes the lawyer. We could just tell him okay, your situation seems astonishing but we are watching and accelerating the movement. There we do nothing, we abandon the citizen. It is no longer a public service. "

And to recall that each year 15 million points are withdrawn in France. “Today, we are able to automate the withdrawal of points, but not vice versa. Why ? Because we are only concerned with repression. Everything else, we dismiss it because it brings nothing, storm Rémy Josseaume. I went back up because I see people every day who can no longer drive when they have the right to. However, more permits overnight can turn your professional and personal life upside down. "

His situation would be regularized, he is not aware

Contacted at the end of last week by "the Parisian", road safety (DSR) confirms this Monday that it was well aware in March 2019 of the situation of Mr. Joyeux. “The difficulty was to find the competent prefecture to verify the regularity and veracity of the title of category B of Mr. Joyeux. The file dating from 1980, it was actually a little difficult to find the history but the situation of this user for whom the administration took care has fortunately been regularized ", affirms the DSR.

But neither Patrick Joyeux nor his lawyer had been informed of this advance which would date from ... July 10 only. "This is good news but I am waiting to see," replies Maître Rémy Josseaume. And to regret: “as often, the administration does not respond and regularizes when it is forced to have to explain the situation. And in these cases, it allows them to evacuate the question of damages. But that will not prevent me from maintaining my request to the court. ”