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Between barrier gestures and inequalities, the start of the school year will be anything but “normal”

7/17/2020, 4:22:09 PM

Teachers are concerned about the conditions in which the September 2020 school year will be held with the risk of the Covid-19. Emmanuel Mac

Earlier assessments to judge the educational level, reinforced individual support for dropouts and the maintenance of barrier gestures, these are what awaits the 12 million students for the next school year. In his intervention on television on July 14, Emmanuel Macron wanted it to be "as normal as possible", but the formula already makes teachers' unions smile, who deem it far too optimistic!

"The next school year can only be out of the ordinary, if only because of the health context and the inequalities that have grown between students during confinement," we warn both on the side of Snuipp-FSU (primary) that du Snes (middle and high schools). Suffice to say that "the priority objective of establishing a peaceful environment conducive to the resumption of collective life" that Jean-Michel Blanquer sets in his traditional return to school is not won.

Barrier gestures should remain the same

It is in any case in establishments under pressure from the Covid-19 epidemic that 12 million students will return to school. Those who did not drop out will not be too disoriented. For them as for adults, the barrier gestures in force since the last health protocol should remain the same: it will be hand washing, wearing a mask (as soon as one is over 11 years old, in other words from middle school) and whole class. And to prevent them from moving too much in the corridors of the establishments, their lessons will take place in the same room and it will be, "as far as possible", for the teachers to move.

Side unions, we hope that these barrier gestures will suffice: “We will do everything for, insists Frédérique Rolet, general secretary of Snes. We ourselves clean our chair and our desk at the end of each lesson, but it's not always easy to enforce the wearing of masks for students. Some people sometimes have a hard time keeping it so when we go to full classes at the start of the school year, it may be hot, ”she warns. For Guislaine David (Snuipp-FSU), the under-equipment of certain establishments in… sanitary facilities is the other black point “and it is not in two months that the town halls will have time to take care of it”, note- she, fatalistic.

Emmanuel Macron wants the back to school to be done with "a reinforced requirement" so, from September 14, it will be the start of the national assessments in CP, CE1 and 6e. In 6th grade, this system will even be reinforced by a “fluid reading” test from the first days. This drum-beating calendar makes Snuipp-FSU tick. “If there was a return to school where we had to take it slowly as the children were shaken, this is it. These evaluations two weeks after the start of the school year is far too early. Students and families are put under pressure unnecessarily, ”criticizes Guislaine David.

The other major priority displayed is to catch up with “dropouts” lost to view during confinement. To reduce any differences between pupils, the Homework done system will therefore be muscular: 4 hours per week will be offered, from September to December, for each pupil in 6th grade. And still for these students, the colleges will be able to offer "a support course for those who have difficulties in reading, writing, counting" of 5 hours each week, taken from disciplines other than maths and French.

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“Adjustments to programs in 6th, 3rd and Second would have been more relevant. This was what was asked so that teachers could work in small groups with those who were most penalized by confinement. But we are still waiting for the answer, ”notes Frédérique Rolet, a little skeptical about the real chances of quickly bringing these lost sheep up to standard.