The Limited Times

British Home Secretary says it is researching measures to help Hong Kong young people who do not hold BNO

7/17/2020, 8:58:21 PM

After the "Minato City National Security Act" was implemented in Hong Kong on June 30, the United Kingdom immediately announced the "5+1" plan to increase the visa rights of British National (Overseas) passports (BNO), but British Labor MP Andrew Gwynne7

Instant International

Written by: Cheng Yihua

2020-07-16 15:59

Last update date: 2020-07-16 16:00

After the "Minato City National Security Act" was implemented in Hong Kong on June 30, the United Kingdom immediately announced the "5+1" plan to increase the visa rights of British National (Overseas) passports (BNO), but British Labor MP Andrew Gwynne7 On 15th, he asked the Minister of the Interior, Priti Patel, that he was concerned that many young people in Hong Kong were not BNO holders and did not benefit from the plan, especially those born after 1997.

In response, Peng Dailing said that she noticed the problems encountered by the relevant age group and was studying some options. She also said that "the British government has made a clear commitment to this".

On the same day, Mr. Gervin, a Labour Party member, asked Peng Dailing by video that the British new plan excluded young people in Hong Kong, especially those born after 1997. He believed that these young people were the most active in the demonstrations. A group is more likely to be the target of the government. He hopes that the British government will make some guarantees on the relevant issues.

📺 WATCH: At today's @CommonsHomeAffs we had the Home Secretary before us for questioning. In my first set of questions, I ask her about the Government's promise to Hongkongers on new rules for British Nationals (Overseas) and a route to citizenship. pic.

— Andrew Gwynne MP (@GwynneMP) July 15, 2020

Minister of the Interior: studying some options

Peng Dailing responded that she can give more than guarantees on this issue, because she is actively studying the relevant age group, she knows that these young people were too young to apply for BNO at the time, she said "I am already studying There are some options (a number of options), and I will be happy to come back to share and explain these options to the committee. We are trying to complete these tasks. This is complicated, but we definitely make a clear commitment to that group."

The British "Guardian" reported that Peng Dailing's move was to study the new rights to Hong Kong for 18 to 23-year-old Hong Kong people. According to the current system, those born after July 1, 1997 cannot apply for BNO.

Regarding the BNO "5+1" plan, Peng Dailing said in response to a question from the members that she was dealing with issues related to the implementation of the plan. The government also had a small ministerial group to carry out evaluations and other work.

The British government previously announced the BNO's "5+1" plan on July 1st, that is, BNO holders will be granted a 5-year limited residence permit, and then they can apply for residence, and then can apply for British citizenship after a further one year. .

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BNO British National (Overseas) Passport UK UK Politics China-UK Relations