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Laura Smet: "There will never be possible peace" with Laeticia Hallyday

7/17/2020, 5:27:27 AM

We thought they were reconciled. But an interview of Laeticia Hallyday on Johnny in Paris Match provoked a scathing response from Laura S

As Johnny sang it, "it will never end." It was believed the hatchet buried between Laeticia Hallyday and Laura Smet, with the signing Friday July 3 of an agreement between the two women ending the legal battles fought since the death of Johnny on December 5, 2017. But a new interview with Laeticia Hallyday, to be published this Thursday in Paris Match, has set fire to the powder again. By receiving the eleven pages of the magazine this Wednesday morning, Laura Smet had “a stroke of blood” and decided to pull the rug out from under her mother-in-law's foot by speaking to RTL in the afternoon and letting go this final phase: “I do not wish Laeticia any harm, but I wish that she leave me alone. "

It is the first time that Laura Smet has spoken about heritage. "I didn't expect to come to your place when I got up this morning," she admits at the RTL microphone. I have no lawyers behind me, nor advisers to guide me in my speaking. I react with my heart. I am very happy that there is an agreement. I'm going to become a mom, I want to be serene. I'm an actress, I do things. I have no desire to spend my life dealing with this story which is still sordid. But I can't let certain things go by. "

"Laeticia confuses moral and financial law"

First reason for discord, this sentence of Laeticia Hallyday, "they ( Editor's note: Laura and David ) do not inherit moral rights". On RTL, Johnny's daughter replies that Laeticia confuses moral rights with financial law. "I have moral rights," rightly says Laura Smet. David too. Jade and Joy too. Financial law is something else. Moral rights, I can always say yes or no ( Editor's note: the use of his father's work for a film, an advertisement, a show… ). I don't really want my father to become a ride on Euro Disney. "

"I'm tired of talking about my father who is no longer there," also says Laura Smet, recounting why she wrote in February 2018 the posthumous letter which exacerbated the enmities. “For more than a month, I made several attempts to get in touch with Laeticia and her advisers and I never received a response from her. I couldn't access anything that came from my father's wife, knowing that our agreement had not been very "true" for some years. She claims to have spoken only once with Laeticia after the singer's death and to have discovered during the funeral at La Madeleine that she would take off the next day for burial in Saint-Barth. “I even had to go through the Elysee to try to restore certain things because everything was falling on me. "

Johnny's daughter says nothing has ever been easy with her mother-in-law. “Laeticia, I met her I was 12 years old, I got on well with her. I had a great time with this woman. I had strange moments too. There was a rivalry. We were only eight years apart, it was quite a special situation. I actually had to see my father several times in hiding. And believe me, it was not easy, neither for him nor for me. "

Confidentiality clause and tax debt

Laura Smet also believes that Laeticia Hallyday broke in Paris Match the confidentiality clause that linked the two women to the artist's heritage. Johnny's widow confirms that she will "reimburse the tax debt" which, according to our information, exceeds 34 million euros. The article discusses the rights to the song "Laura" from which the latter will benefit, several goods from her father, a guitar, a pair of cowboy boots, some furniture from her office.

The weekly devotes 11 pages to the singer's widow./Paris Match  

Laura Smet does not want to talk about the financial agreement, but does not hesitate to talk about her father's tax evasion. "I'm not going to lie about it, people know it now, my father was very badly advised at the end of his life. We make cancers. I prefer to be cash on this and I will not go back on my position. I know my father would probably have liked it to be better. He was a loving person. He was a father who loved his four children alike, who loved his wife, who loved my mother ( Editor's note: Nathalie Baye ) ”.

"Miles of distance between me and her"

Laeticia however speaks in Match of a “form of appeasement” with Laura and David, hopes that they will one day hug each other, that they will agree to come to inaugurate the esplanade of the Accor Arena, which will carry the name of Johnny. She also says that the house in Marnes-la-Coquette, which she plans to sell, is open to them. Laura Smet's response is scathing: "Here we are" a meter away "at the moment. There, it will rather be kilometers away between me and her I think, because there will never be possible peace. "

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Laura, 36, accuses "my father's wife", as she sometimes calls her, of "having committed the irreparable by preventing us from seeing him before his death". “I was with my mother that day. We waited four hours in the living room, so that we could say goodbye to my father because I knew it was imminent. What I also know is that my father was not told that he was in palliative care and that he was still on treatment, my father did not know that he was going to die… a tear that I can never heal. "