The Limited Times

Regional: Pd-M5S agreement in Liguria, candidate is Ferruccio Sansa

7/17/2020, 6:45:54 AM

Zingaretti: 'Let's stop the right together'. Iv attack (ANSA)Agreement between Pd and M5S on the candidate common to the Regionals in Liguria. The name on which the Dem and the Movement, as far as we learn from sources of the two parties, is Ferruccio Sansa. Name that, to date, however, saw Italia Viva outside the coalition. The agreement, after the Dem regional secretariat held yesterday in Genoa, was sealed today at the national level and would also see L...

Agreement between Pd and M5S on the candidate common to the Regionals in Liguria. The name on which the Dem and the Movement, as far as we learn from sources of the two parties, is Ferruccio Sansa. Name that, to date, however, saw Italia Viva outside the coalition. The agreement, after the Dem regional secretariat held yesterday in Genoa, was sealed today at the national level and would also see Leu within the coalition.

Iv on the attack: "It was all written. The Democratic Party knew from the first moment that we would never support Sansa. But evidently the experiment of fusion with the 5s is worth more to them than to prevent Toti from continuing to govern. However, no controversy, only this observation. And then much regret for the time and missed opportunities ". This was stated by Ettore Rosato, commenting on the agreement between the Democratic Party and the M5s in Liguria, which Iv does not support. "For us there is a gigantic space left free where there are all those who do not resign themselves to extremism and radicalism and we will be able to grasp it", adds the president of Italia viva.

Today the leader of the Democratic Party, Nicola Zingaretti has returned to make an appeal for an agreement between the Dem and the pentastellati. "I will always continue to make appeals: as we are united against the right in government - the secretary of the Pd told Tg3 - so we must also be in the regions. For example in the Marche there is no center-right, but a right- center, with the candidate who goes to the dinners to commemorate the March on Rome. What more needs to happen to stop this hypothesis of presidency? Even the regional ones are trying to join forces, we of the Democratic Party will try to the last to stop the "right.