The Limited Times

Béziers supporters still defend a "love story of almost 110 years"

7/20/2020, 11:14:24 PM

In the mess of endless discussions of recovery and opaque gray areas, the fervent supporters of Béziers still want to defend "the institution", cling to the hope that there will be a sequel to the soap opera .

The rebounds of the oval ball are capricious. So the supporters of Béziers after having dreamed, then being showered hope that the end point of the soap opera has not been planted. In an open letter addressed to Robert Ménard, the mayor of Béziers, the supporters of the ASBH, insist, deplore “irreparable fracture” between the associations of supporters and the management of the club. Like the city councilor, who is also President of the Béziers Méditerranée Agglomeration and member of the ASBH Supervisory Board, they say they are “amazed to learn that in the space of 12 months, no less than 4.2 M € could be raised. However, for years, there has been no ambitious sports policy, no additional recruitment and an ever declining payroll. ”

In their open letter, the supporters also invite the mayor of Béziers to renew contact with the Sotaco company (“in Midi Olympique , Philippe Baillard, financial director, says that you no longer have any doubts about their financial standing ”). the project seems to be approved by a large majority of supporters' associations. And to insist: "If all the guarantees necessary for a takeover or any other investment firm within the ASBH are provided, we would thus have the most solid, the most successful and the most ambitious project for the future. of our institution. ”

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After the departure, this Sunday, of the co-president Pierre-Olivier Valaize, a few days after the announcement of his maintenance in Pro D2 thanks to the validation of the accounts, the supporters assure: "We, associations of supporters, will be in support of 'a management team that will provide all the guarantees for the future, reliability and transparency for the sustainability of the ASBH institution. Clearly, we ask you to make our voice heard for: a change of presidency and vice-presidencies, break with the capitalist system in place preventing any virtuous economy for the club and discouraging any potential buyer, a complete financial audit by a structure independent. On the other hand, given that the club belongs to the city and its supporters, we believe that a reflection should be carried out on opening the club to supporters, of the “socios” type, in order to restore transparency and trust. ” And to stress that "without changes or transparency, we will continue our action and call on the vast majority of Béziers supporters to also put themselves to sleep in all activities related to ASBH."

The supporters conclude their open letter by letting speak their attachment to the club: "Mr. Mayor, we are counting on you so that this love story of nearly 110 years between a people and its rugby does not end in the most deplorable. manners. "

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