The Limited Times

A “Whore of Expo” dedicated to Renaud in October at the Cité de la Musique

7/20/2020, 10:44:37 PM

After Étienne Daho, the interpreter of Mistral Gagnant is the second French singer to be the subject of an exhibition in the setting of the Philharmonie de Paris.

From October 16 to May 2, the Cité de la Musique will host an exhibition dedicated to Renaud, in the prestigious setting of the Philharmonie de Paris. “Fucking exhibition!”, She would call herself, a nod to the song Fucking truck written by Renaud after the death of his friend Coluche.

At the helm of this retrospective, David Séchan, Renaud's brother, and Johanna Copans, associate professor of French and specialist in the particular language, a mixture of slang and verlan, of the interpreter of Mistral Gagnant . Gérard Lo Monaco, at the origin of several of his album covers, will be in charge of the scenography.

To read also: Renaud: "Singing is more and more difficult for me"

This is the first exhibition devoted to Renaud, who, after Étienne Daho, is the second French singer to be the subject of an exhibition during his lifetime at the Cité de la Musique. Unlike the discreet Rennais, “Mister Renard” has punctuated his career with numerous political and humanitarian commitments, which will be discussed in this “Whore Expo”. Renaud's friendships for Coluche or the Charlie Hebdo designers will also be mentioned.

Read also: Corona song , Renaud's new song more embarrassing than ever

On July 8, the singer, who had remained discreet during the confinement, created the surprise by releasing a new title, Corona song . In a leather jacket, bare and tattooed arms, Renaud sings in a garden in front of two guitarists and a bassist, a chorister then joining the group.

" When I think of the brave Doctor Raoult / Conchié by jealous colleagues / By pundits, luminaries / Who have the molds (who are afraid, Editor's note) of losing wheat ", we hear him declaim in his hoarse voice. A clip watched by almost 2.5 million Internet users, and widely criticized by disappointed fans. Sign that Renaud, " still standing ", continues to please as much as he annoys.