The Limited Times

Coronavirus: "Between 400 and 500 clusters" in France, according to Olivier Véran

7/20/2020, 9:00:28 PM

The Minister of Health commented on the entry into force of the wearing of mandatory masks in enclosed public places.

" We note that there are worrying signs of epidemic recovery on the national territory ", declared Monday July 20 on France Info the Minister of Health Olivier Véran, mentioning " between 400 and 500 clusters of coronavirus ", in particular in Mayenne , in Brittany and in the Grand Est.

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The Minister of Health underlined that, " beyond the number of clusters ", we must also look at the " contamination pathways " observed, mainly in enclosed spaces. A report which justifies the entry into force wearing of the compulsory wearing of masks in closed public places, under penalty of a fine of 135 euros This problem particularly affects " particular professional circles ", such as slaughterhouses, where respect for barrier gestures is complicated, and family reunions.

Olivier Véran nevertheless wanted to be reassuring, asserting that alongside the data on the number of clusters, there were " no worrying figures " in terms of hospitalization in particular, and that " at this stage, we are very far from the second wave ”. We must remain vigilant, prepare, explain. Now I can say that we have lots of masks. All of this we must anticipate constantly and continuously. "

The Minister recognizes, however, that the situation is evolving, and that " all the scenarios are under study and successful ". He deplored the fact that, despite his efforts, the Senate, dominated by the right, went " less far on arrival " to keep in law the measures to act locally and nationally against the virus. " In Mayenne, the prefect will have to individually stop the events, while an order would simplify things, " he said. It makes our lives difficult, but it doesn't stop us from acting. "