The Limited Times

Michel Bourcier: "The day before, I played on the great organ of Nantes!"

7/20/2020, 10:25:57 PM

Last to have played the instrument, the holder of the organ gallery of the Nantes cathedral returns with very keen emotion on his disappearance. And hope it will be rebuilt very quickly.

Co-holder of the great organ of the Saint-Pierre-et-Saint-Paul cathedral in Nantes since 2007, with Marie-Thérèse Jéhan, Michel Bourcier was to play during the services of this Sunday, July 19. The day before the fire that ravaged the gallery, he was still rehearsing about this flagship of the heritage that he saw going up in smoke practically before his eyes. He returns for us on his tragic disappearance.

Read also: Nantes Cathedral: the great organ "disappeared" had gone through history

LE FIGARO. - What was your first reaction when you saw the flames coming out of the cathedral?

A friend called me on Saturday morning to tell me about the fire. I live fifteen kilometers from Nantes. I immediately went there. At first, we don't believe it. I said to myself: 'no, not a second time after the fire of 1972!' Then I thought of Notre-Dame. It was really the law of the series. Fortunately, the cathedral itself was not affected like the Parisian monument! But for the organ, its loss is obviously irremediable. So much for the organist

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