The Limited Times

A historic pilot of the Road Tourism has coronavirus

7/22/2020, 7:29:13 PM

Christian Dose made more than 200 entries within the category.07/21/2020 - 18:33 Clarí sports A historical pilot of the Road Tourism, with more than 200 participations within the category, tested positive for coronavirus. This is Christian Dose , who had a swab on Tuesday, which revealed that he was infected with Covid-19. “They called me today at 10 in the morning to tell me it was positive. I consider that the worst is over and it was the fever spik...

07/21/2020 - 18:33

  • Clarí
  • sports

A historical pilot of the Road Tourism, with more than 200 participations within the category, tested positive for coronavirus. This is Christian Dose , who had a swab on Tuesday, which revealed that he was infected with Covid-19.

“They called me today at 10 in the morning to tell me it was positive. I consider that the worst is over and it was the fever spike I had on Sunday morning. Now I'm with a slight headache. Muscularly it hurts at hip height but overall I'm fine. The situation makes me angry because I never had anything. I never got sick and touched myself in this one, ”Dose told the Carburando website .

And he concluded: “For this that we are living it serves, and of much, to be physically well, not to have taken and not to have smoked. Having a healthy body is key. If you are well, you fight it as if it were a strong flu. ”

Dose, who is 50 years old, came to Road Tourism in the 2002 season and has been in the 206 races category. In 2020 it participated in the two dates that the category carried out, in Viedma and Neuquén, before the mandatory quarantine for the Coronavirus was decreed.