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The executive continues its cleaning at the top of the state

7/22/2020, 3:30:51 PM

Elysée, government, administrations… the waltz of key positions continues.Big cleaning on all floors. Sign of Emmanuel Macron's impatience, not a day goes by without changes at the top of the state. Secretaries of state will soon be appointed - some outgoing will be excluded. "It takes a lot of inner strength to separate from so many faithful, starting with a popular Prime Minister, Edouard Philippe, the grumpy Christophe Castaner, Muriel Pénicaud and Nicole Belloubet, ...

Big cleaning on all floors. Sign of Emmanuel Macron's impatience, not a day goes by without changes at the top of the state. Secretaries of state will soon be appointed - some outgoing will be excluded. "It takes a lot of inner strength to separate from so many faithful, starting with a popular Prime Minister, Edouard Philippe, the grumpy Christophe Castaner, Muriel Pénicaud and Nicole Belloubet, comments a minister of weight. It takes tact, too: the president managed to do it without hurting anyone. "

At the Elysee Palace, the palace is emptying at high speed. Press advisor Joseph Zimet must leave office - the president's communication should fall to Clément Leonarduzzi, a leader of Publicis who frequented the head of state during the Gracchi era, this group of senior officials who campaigned during the 2007 presidential election for a rapprochement between the PS and the UDF.

His speciality? Crisis management for CAC 40 bosses. Above all, the Head of State is about to lose his trusted man, Philippe Grangeon. "After eighteen particularly intense months, marked by the great national debate, the campaign of European women, the Covid crisis or even the citizens' convention, I decided to retire, entrusts the Parisian the special adviser to the head of the 'State. From now on, I will contribute differently to the life of the majority and to the success of the presidential project ”. It will take off in "mid-September".

Didier Lallement, finally maintained

All the compartments of power are affected by these movements. The powerful and feared Marc Guillaume was fired. Jean Castex was the head of the head of the General Secretariat of the Government (SGG), the armed wing of Matignon. Added to this is the departure of Edouard Philippe's chief of staff, Benoît Ribadeau-Dumas. “Edouard Philippe, Marc Guillaume and Benoît Ribadeau-Dumas formed a trio which blocked any new impetus, laughs a government adviser. This exasperated Emmanuel Macron. "

Also sweeping the head of the parliamentary group of Marcheurs deputies. Gilles Legendre throws in the towel. His replacement will be known in September - François de Rugy is a candidate. With the Republic on the march, governance could change, with a new number 1 in place of Stanislas Guérini. The name of MEP Stéphane Séjourné circulates among the possible avenues.

In this big mess, the wind of the ball did not pass far from the prefect of police of the prefecture of Paris, Didier Lallement. Emblematic character, taken in flu by the yellow vests for his management of public order, he in any case received, this Tuesday, the support of the Minister of the Interior Gerald Darmanin, who renewed all his " trust ". A response to rumors announcing his dismissal.

Macron in a hurry to "reinvent" ... his teams

This post waltz is not without arousing the appetites of many suitors. Candidates have multiplied behind the scenes to run for State Secretariats. “My mailbox is saturated with requests,” said an important minister. It's rodeo, everyone wants to ride the cow. “At the Elysee, reinforcements are expected to boost the political pole of the cabinet.

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The president had promised to "reinvent himself". For now, he seems to be in a hurry to “reinvent”… his teams. The political course remains unchanged. Only a few changes are planned: emphasis on national sovereignty and emphasis on proximity. For the rest, Macron does Macron. “We don't reinvent ourselves in life, especially when we have such a strong character,” smiles an intimate. What characterizes Macron is his permanent risk taking. This is what he is roaming about at the moment by launching new teams. "