The Limited Times

The main businessmen of the country and the CGT agreed on the need for an agreement to be reached in the negotiation of the debt

7/22/2020, 9:39:56 PM

It was the first institutional meeting between both entities. They will work on a common post-pandemic agenda.

07/21/2020 - 19:50

  • Clarí
  • Politics

The owners of the most important companies in Argentina and the CGT leadership maintained an institutional contact on Tuesday afternoon for the first time to discuss the post-pandemic scenario. After the meeting, both parties released a statement in which they stated the need to " advance in the formulation of basic consensuses that lead to the implementation of specific policies over time" and the "need to gradually reduce the tax pressure on the sector formal economy. "

They also focused on the debt negotiations that the Alberto Fernández administration is carrying out. " A positive result is expected in the negotiations with external creditors," both parties said in a joint statement.

In the meeting - it was virtual - they flew over two axes: the need for Argentina to avoid default and the coincidence that it should aim to make the country more competitive and not closed in on itself, inserted in the world, with lower costs and higher volume of exports.

Members of the Argentine Business Association (AEA) and the small table of the workers' union participated in the meeting - it was carried out through Google Meet.

On the employer side, AEA chief Jaime Campos and businessmen Luis A. Pagani (Arcor) said; Paolo Rocca (Techint Organization); Sebastián Bagó (Bagó Laboratories); Carlos Miguens (Grupo Miguens); and Marcos Galperín (Mercado Libre), among others.

The CGT included its two co-general secretaries, Héctor Daer and Carlos Acuña, Gerardo Martínez (UOCRA), Andrés Rodríguez (UPCN); José Luis Lingeri (Sanitary Works) and Antonio Caló (UOM).

Virtual meeting between businessmen nucleated in AEA and leaders of the CGT, this Tuesday.

In a statement that was released after the videoconference, it was detailed: "Both institutions, the CGT, representing the workers, and the AEA, made up of the directors of the main companies in the country, agreed to deepen the dialogue between them and with other sectors of society, in order to advance in the formulation of basic consensuses , which lead to the implementation of specific policies over time ".

Follow. "This is made even more urgent in view of the critical economic situation and the enormous effort that will be required to keep the productive apparatus and formal employment in the country active."

"Indeed, Argentina comes from many decades of poor economic performance, to which is added the very negative impact of the pandemic. It is only with the effort of all that a recovery process can begin."

"Among the topics addressed in the dialogue held were:

# The key role of private companies and their value chains in the development process and particularly for overcoming this crisis.

# Specific policies to promote registered employment.

# Public policies aimed at mobilizing productive capacity and exports of goods and services.

# The intelligent insertion of Argentina in the world. Specifically, a positive outcome is sought in negotiations with external creditors.

# The need to gradually reduce tax pressure on the formal sector of the economy, while attending to the need to balance fiscal accounts.

# Technical Education and Technical-Professional training.

Virtual meeting between businessmen nucleated in AEA and leaders of the CGT, this Tuesday.

In recent years there have been different contacts between AEA members and CGT leaders, but always informal. That of Tuesday was the first institutional meeting between the parties.

The document had been agreed upon before hand, although it was finished polished in the videoconference.

Although the statement does not indicate this, it was agreed to form a "technical working group" to follow up on the concerns raised at the meeting and to be able to bring concrete proposals to the government.

Jamie Campos, head of AEA, expressed his "satisfaction with the dialogue. We hope that progress can be made in identifying problems and proposing solutions."

The AEA also included: Héctor Magnetto (Grupo Clarín); Cristiano Rattazzi (FCA Argentina); Federico Braun (The Anonymous); Alberto Grimoldi (Grimoldi); Enrique Cristofani (Santander); Eduardo Elsztain (IRSA); Marcelo Argüelles (Sidus); Alberto Hojman (BGH); Jorge Aufiero (Medicus); Norberto Morita (Southern Cross Group); David Lacroze (Lacroze Group); Jorge Ferioli (San Jorge Entrepreneurship); Alejandro Bulgheroni (Pan American Energy Group); María Luisa Macchiavello (Droguería del Sud); and Luis Perez Companc (Grupo Perez Companc).