The Limited Times

Carlos Melconian, tough against Martín Guzmán: "I don't bank because he lies"

7/23/2020, 8:47:01 PM

The former head of Banco Nación questioned the negotiation with the bondholders. He also assured that there is no economic plan and that the coronavirus pandemic "is an excuse."

07/23/2020 - 10:27

  • Clarí
  • Politics

The former head of Banco Nación, Carlos Melconian, questioned Minister Martín Guzmán about the negotiation with the bondholders and affirmed that he "lies" when he says that "he defends three dollars to pay retirees."

In dialogue with Marcelo Longobardi on Radio Miter , the economist assured: "When the minister says that he is going to defend the three dollars because he is thinking about our retirees, I say: ' Cambiá, I don't bank it because it lies' . But it is not being of the opposition or doing politics. Citizen Melconian is looking at this and saying 'it's a lie'. If I lie to this about what I understand, why should I believe the rest? So that's where you fall into a crisis of trust, credibility " .  

"What I often do not understand is why you want to be a government if you do not want to fix things," he added.

For Melconian, the coronavirus pandemic generated "relief" and assured: "It is not that they came with a spectacular program that was stained on the road by the pandemic, the pandemic gives the excuse to administer ."

Regarding the lack or not of an economic program, Melconian asked to think in the long term. "What is the program? What do we discuss? If it is necessary to have it or not? Yes, it is necessary to have it, but the countries are 20 or 30 years old, permanence in time."

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