The Limited Times

Coronavirus: Bolivia postpones its general elections to October

7/23/2020, 10:12:56 PM

The Bolivian Supreme Electoral Court (TSE) announced on Thursday the postponement to October 18 of the general elections scheduled for September 6 due to the increase in the number of cases of coronavirus in this Andean country. The TSE "decides to fix the 2020 general elections for Sunday, October 18," announced its president, Salvador Romero. "The final date of the elections brings together bett...

The Bolivian Supreme Electoral Court (TSE) announced on Thursday the postponement to October 18 of the general elections scheduled for September 6 due to the increase in the number of cases of coronavirus in this Andean country. The TSE "decides to fix the 2020 general elections for Sunday, October 18," announced its president, Salvador Romero. "The final date of the elections brings together better conditions to protect health, facilitate voting abroad and the arrival of international observation missions" , added the president of the TSE, who also highlighted medical reports according to which the peak of the pandemic is expected between the end of August and the beginning of September in Bolivia.

Read also: In Bolivia, the natives struck by the Covid-19

According to him, a possible second round would take place on November 29 and the new authorities take office in December. This decision is the "fruit of legal, scientific and political considerations" , added the president of the TSE, at a time when Bolivia records more than 64,000 cases of Covid-19, including 2,328 deaths. Unlike the previous times, neither the parties nor the Parliament were consulted by the electoral authorities to set the new date for the vote. These general elections, which ex-president Evo Morales cannot run for re-election, aim to elect the head of state, the vice-president as well as 36 senators and 120 deputies. Originally scheduled for May 3, they have been postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Since his exile from Buenos Aires, Evo Morales, who remains the leader of the Movement towards Socialism (MAS), denounced Thursday on Twitter "the de facto government which wants to gain time to continue the persecution of the leaders of social movements and of the candidates. of the MAS ”. For his part, former President Carlos Mesa, a centrist presidential candidate, expressed "his full support for this new date" , believing that health security should be the priority. Interim President Jeanine Añez had already spoken in favor of the postponement on Wednesday, as well as the Catholic Church on Thursday.

Bolivians will therefore be called upon to return to the polls one year after the last elections in October 2019. In power since 2006, former socialist president Evo Morales then proclaimed himself the winner of this ballot for a fourth term, but the opposition had cried fraud. After weeks of demonstrations, released by the police and the army, Evo Morales resigned on November 10 and left Bolivia. Exiled from Argentina, he is under an arrest warrant issued by the Bolivian prosecution. Authorities warned he would be immediately arrested if he returned to the country.

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