The Limited Times

Finance plus zero one. Essence | Luo Yongcong expects Zeng Guowei to decide to postpone the election: Do not repeat the district election

7/23/2020, 8:43:41 PM

The Legislative Council elections were held in September. Many key figures of the establishment including Tan Yaozong, a member of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, have recently spoken to the media that the new crown pneumonia epidemic is severe and suggested that the government postpone the Legislative Council elections. The former Political Assistant to the Financial Secretary Luo Wing-cong accepted an interview with the "Hong Kong 01" program "Finance Plus One", saying that the government will not repeat mistakes again after the pro-establishment faction was defeated in the district council elections in the past year, and it also looks at the new political system In addition to the work style of the Director of the Mainland Affairs Bureau Zeng Guowei, Luo estimated that Zeng Guowei would propose to Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor to postpone the election.

Political situation

Written by: Wu Zhuoan

2020-07-23 21:27

Last update date: 2020-07-23 21:27

The Legislative Council elections were held in September. Many key figures of the establishment including Tan Yaozong, a member of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, have recently spoken to the media that the new crown pneumonia epidemic is severe and suggested that the government postpone the Legislative Council elections.

The former Political Assistant to the Financial Secretary Luo Wing-cong accepted an interview with the "Hong Kong 01" program "Finance Plus One", saying that the government will not repeat mistakes again after the pro-establishment faction was defeated in the district council elections in the past year, and it also looks at the new political system In addition to the work style of the Director of the Mainland Affairs Bureau Zeng Guowei, Luo estimated that Zeng Guowei would propose to Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor to postpone the election.

Luo Yongcong continued to point out that the fiasco of the establishment had caused his chief official and then head of the Constitutional Affairs Bureau Nie Dequan to "take a wok." (Photo by Huang Shuhui)

Luo Yongcong mentioned in the program that on the eve of the district council election polling day last year, the establishment circles suggested that the government postpone the district council elections for social security reasons. However, in the end the government decided to go to Malaysia as scheduled. He revealed that the establishment and the government reported the election to the central government. During the situation, they all pointed out that there was no major problem with the establishment of elections.

However, the establishment was defeated in the regional elections. Luo Yongcong revealed that the fiasco of the establishment made his chief official and then Director of the Constitutional Affairs Bureau Nie Dequan "back the wok". Some criticized that if the election was postponed, he might not lose so badly. Therefore, there were even rumours that Nie would be sent away and won. Under Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor's "strength protection", Nie Cai was transferred to the Civil Service Bureau as the head of the Civil Service Bureau, so that he would not lose her veil.

Luo estimated that based on Zeng Guowei's style of "grabbing the reins" in the "Caring Team" and the Democratic primary elections, I believe he will propose to Lam Cheng to postpone the election by then.

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Finance Plus Zero One Luo Yongcong