The Limited Times

After the audit: The Treasury has approved payment to members of the medical staff who are in isolation Israel today

7/24/2020, 12:47:03 PM

First publication: Minister of Finance Israel Katz and MK Ofir Katz agree that the days of isolation of health care workers will not be deducted | Health

First publication: Minister of Finance Israel Katz and MK Ofir Katz agreed on an outline in which the days of isolation of health care workers will not be deducted • Workers will also receive additional payment

  • "It is our duty to ensure that medical staff are not harmed financially"


    Yossi Zeliger - Archive

First publication: A way has been found to prevent harm to the salaries of medical staff who are in isolation. According to a summary between the Coalition Center in the Finance Committee, MK Ophir Katz, and Finance Minister Israel Katz, the days of isolation or illness of medical staff who were in isolation or contracted the corona virus due to treatment of a verified patient will not be deducted. , These workers will receive an additional payment for the period of isolation or illness.

As of this morning, there are 3,156 medical staff members in isolation, including 480 doctors and physicians, and 869 nurses and nurses. Since the outbreak of the plague, medical teams placed in solitary confinement have complained that their wages have been significantly reduced. Among the teams, they protested to the Ministry of Finance that their salary had been cut by about 60 percent due to the need to go into isolation.

In a discussion held last April in the Knesset's Labor, Welfare and Health Committee, the chairman of the State Physicians' Association, Dr. Zeev Feldman, said that the medical teams that are exposed to Corona patients are at risk and finally "pay the price."

Dr. Feldman added at the hearing: “The crews face the war on the Corona virus day and night as they endanger themselves and their families. But there in isolation, which they entered after being at the forefront and treating corona patients and exposed to the virus they feel alone, their salary is sometimes cut by over 60 percent while asking them to fund the isolation exit through each of their sick days and make up for the loss of their family income.

More on this topic:

• Medical teams protest: "Our salary has been cut by 60%"

• Nurse's cry: "Again in isolation, again at my expense"

• After a day: The nurses' strike ended

"As part of the outline of nurses that I formulated this week, in which we agreed on huge assistance to the health system, including the addition of 2,000 standards for nurses and 400 standards for doctors, to help them cope with this challenging period, I agreed with MK Ofir Katz on an important amendment The medical staff. It is our duty to provide them with all the conditions to meet their mission and to enable them to engage in saving lives, "said Finance Minister Katz.

MK Katz: "I welcome the Finance Minister's response to my request. The medical staffs work day and night to treat and maintain public health, thereby endangering their health and the health of their families, it is our duty to ensure that they are not harmed financially. "Correcting this injustice is extremely important."

The chairman of the State Physicians' Association, Dr. Zeev Feldman, expressed suspicion about the agreement reached: "The issue of isolating medical staff has been" settled "several times in recent months. There was a government decision, there was a circular from the commissioner, and despite all this, the issue is settled again. Today.