The Limited Times

EU: Mulè, not a thousand task forces but a bicameral commission

7/24/2020, 10:58:29 AM

"I don't see a Road Map but a rough path like the Paris-Dakar. By mid-October Italy will have to tell Europe in detail how and what it will do to spend the resources of the Recovery Fund, but there is no very detailed plan again still trace. (ANSA)

(ANSA) - ROME, JULY 24 - "I don't see a Road Map but an uneven path like the Paris-Dakar. By mid-October Italy will have to tell Europe in detail how and what will make the resources of the Recovery Fund spend, but of the plan I repeat there is still no trace in detail. I believe that the solution is not a thousand Task Force but a bicameral commission because we do not forget that Parliament is sovereign and must be central in defining a plan for reforms that will meet the funds that will come from Europe. he has a business to deal with: to be able to define a shared and effective program. We have done our part, especially in Europe with President Berlusconi who was the key player in the European negotiation with the EPP ". Giorgio Mule ', a member of Forza Italia and spokesperson for the Italian groups in the House and Senate, said this when speaking at L'Aria Che Tira Estate this morning. (HANDLE).