The Limited Times

In Corsica, Sarkozy dedicates his book and Macron household

7/24/2020, 6:28:11 PM

In Ajaccio, the ex-president presented "Le Temps des tempêtes", his new book to a conquered audience. The opportunity to learn some political lessons.

Special envoy to Ajaccio

They will have been, once again, at the rendezvous. After the doors of the Leclerc cultural center in Ajaccio, Corsica, the queues get longer to go around the shopping center. Nicolas Sarkozy is not supposed to arrive until half an hour later. A compact crowd, with smiles barred by surgical masks, is already stamping with impatience. “It's a real pleasure to meet him. He left his mark on France. Today, even those who have never voted for him would like him to return to politics. He knows how to put himself at the level of people, ” assures Sophie Maréchal, in her sixties, originally from Jura, on vacation on the Isle of Beauty with her husband.

To read also: Nicolas Sarkozy: "What I never said"

Proudly occupying the first place in the line of several hundred people, Eric Binello, Corsican entrepreneur of 52 years, has been waiting since noon. Just to be sure to see the one whose portrait is hung above his desk: "When Sarko comes here, it doesn't matter where, when, how, I always manage.

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