The Limited Times

Luchetti's 'Lacci' opening film of the Venice Film Festival

7/24/2020, 11:43:11 AM

Lacci, directed by Daniele Luchetti and starring Alba Rohrwacher, Luigi Lo Cascio, Laura Morante, Silvio Orlando, Giovanna Mezzogiorno, Adriano Giannini, Linda Caridi is the opening film, Out of competition, of the 77. (ANSA)

(ANSA) - ROME, JULY 24 - Lacci, directed by Daniele Luchetti and interpreted by Alba Rohrwacher, Luigi Lo Cascio, Laura Morante, Silvio Orlando, Giovanna Mezzogiorno, Adriano Giannini, LindaCaridi is the opening film, Out of competition, of the 77. MostraInternazionale of Cinematographic Art (2-12 September) directed by Alberto Barbera and organized by the Venice Biennale.
    Lacci, based on Domenico Starnone's novel, will be shown on Wednesday 2 September, in the Sala Grande of the Palazzodel Cinema on the Lido of Venice. Produced by IBC Movie with RaiCinema, Lacci is written by Domenico Starnone, Francesco Piccolo and Daniele Luchetti.
    "In recent times we have been afraid that cinema could become extinct - says Luchetti -. Instead during the quarantine it gave us comfort, like a light on in a cave. Today we have an awareness: films, leseries, novels, are indispensable in our lives. Longevity at festivals, therefore, which allow us to celebrate together the true meaning of our work. If anyone thought it could be useless, now he knows it is useful to everyone. With Laccisono I am honored to open the dances of the first great festival of unexpected times ".
    "For 11 years, the Mostra del Cinema has not been opened by an Italian film - Barbera underlines -. The happy opportunity is offered by the beautiful film by Daniele Luchetti, an anatomy of the difficult coexistence of a couple, struggling with betrayals, emotional blackmail, suffering and senses of guilt, not without a little yellow that is revealed only in the finale. Backed by an exceptional cast, the film is also the sign of the happy moment that is going through our cinema, in continuity with the positive trend of the last seasons that the quality of the filminvitati in Venice this' year can only confirm. "
    Naples, early 80s: the marriage of Aldo and Vanda enters into crisis when Aldo falls in love with the young Lidia. Thirty years later, Aldo and Vanda are still married. A yellow suisentimenti, a story of loyalty and unfaithfulness, of rancor evergogne. A betrayal, pain, a secret box, the devastated house, a cat, the voice of lovers and that of lovers. (HANDLE).