The Limited Times

Resignation of Girard: the mayor of Paris demands "an apology" from her environmental partners

7/24/2020, 9:13:11 AM

Christophe Girard, heard in March in connection with the Matzneff affair, resigned Thursday from his duties as deputy for Culture.

" We have a problem " within the municipal majority in Paris: the mayor PS Anne Hidalgo will demand "an apology " from his environmental partners about the Christophe Girard affair, his first deputy Emmanuel Grégoire said on Friday July 24.

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Christophe Girard, heard in March in connection with the Matzneff affair, resigned Thursday from his duties as deputy for Culture. Elected environmentalists and feminists had demanded its suspension and demonstrated Thursday under the windows of the Town Hall with sometimes very raw slogans with regard to the town hall.

20 people present

" We are going to ask for an apology from our environmental partners, not on their mobilization that we respect but on the excesses, including in the demonstrations ", underlined Emmanuel Grégoire on Friday morning on franceinfo.

To read also: Christophe Girard: “Matzneff says that I am one of his best friends. It's a bit excessive ”

" There were 20 people (...) but there were signs that were inadmissible, '' welcome to pedoland '' and '' pedos in common '', a diversion of our campaign logo (Paris in common) y including environmentalists in the second round of municipal elections on June 28, ”denounced Emmanuel Grégoire. It's going to be more than an explanation. We have a problem, we want to clarify labor relations (...) there has been an obvious lack of respect , ”lamented the first deputy.

Anne Hidalgo had given her support to her " friend " Christophe Girard on Thursday , saying she was " sickened " . In which democracy do we live where the law is trampled on by rumor, confusion and suspicion? She wrote in a tweet.

Link with Matzneff

Elected environmentalists and feminists wrote to him a few days ago to ask him for the suspension of the Deputy Culture and the opening of an internal investigation in the City of Paris, believing that Christophe Girard had to explain his links and actions with Gabriel Matzneff.

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Investigators interviewed Christophe Girard, secretary general of Maison Yves-Saint Laurent between 1986 and 1987, in March, a structure which provided financial support to the writer Gabriel Matzneff in the 1980s, according to several accounts.

The writer is targeted by an investigation for "rape of minors" opened by the Paris prosecutor's office after the publication in January of Vanessa Springora's autobiographical novel in which she describes the relationship under the influence that she had when she was a minor with the writer and who devastated her.