The Limited Times

Salone del Libro starts again, a 'significant' event in the autumn

7/24/2020, 6:25:17 PM

The Book Fair starts again. During a meeting in the Region, the foundations were laid for the definition of a path that will lead to the May 2021 edition through "a significant autumn event". (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - TURIN, JULY 24 - The Book Fair starts again. In a meeting in the Region, the foundations were laid for the definition of a path that will lead to the May 2021 edition through "a significant autumn event". The event will combine online content with live events, subject to the safety conditions permitted by current regulations, and will at the same time act as a sign of the restart and launch for the organization of the Salone 2021. The balance was guaranteed by the first half of August pending payments and the renewal of contracts for consultants and collaborators already committed to defining the next steps. By the end of September the new validation agreement protocol will be approved until 2023. (ANSA).