The Limited Times

Migrants: Mayor Lampedusa, I declare a state of emergency

7/25/2020, 8:40:12 AM

"It is an unmanageable situation. If the government does not proclaim the state of emergency for Lampedusa I will do it. (ANSA)

(ANSA) - LAMPEDUSA, JULY 25 - "It is an unmanageable situation. If the government does not proclaim the state of emergency for Lampedusa I will do it. The hotspot is no longer able to welcome migrants, the responsibility for this emergency cannot fall on the mayor , on the municipal administration and suilampususani ". So the mayor of Lampedusa Totò Martell comments on the latest barrage of landings on the island (three more in the last few hours) and the situation in the island's hotspot where at the moment more than a thousand migrants find themselves, ten times the maximum capacity expected. "Today there will be no ferry transfers to Porto Empedocle - underlines the mayor - and meanwhile the boats from Tunisia are continuing to land on the island". At this moment, about fifty migrants are still waiting on the quay, waiting for them to decide where they will be sorted. (HANDLE).