The Limited Times

Bioethics: "Our role is not to legislate on love"

7/26/2020, 6:52:47 PM

INTERVIEW - LR deputy for Ain, Xavier Breton, member of the Parliamentary Agreement for the Family, denounces a "passage in force" of the bioethics bill and fears the advent of a "business of procreation".

LE FIGARO. - Why do you think this is not the right time to examine this text?

Xavier BRETON. - The choice to examine this text in the last week of July shows a desire to stifle any dispute. It is a passage in force. This extraordinary session was announced without a comment from the President of the Republic or the Prime Minister. This silence is scandalous when this text is a major choice of society. There is a form of indecency in rushing to vote for this law in a situation of health crisis and of economic and social crisis announced. Is this really the time to divide? If this text had to be examined as quickly as possible, the debate in the Chamber could have started as early as last week to give us more time. What hypocrisy ...

Read also: Bioethics: a societal revolution in the middle of summer

What are your fears?

During this last week of July, there is a real risk that the benches will remain empty and that militant deputies will take this text hostage. In 2011, during the previous

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