The Limited Times

"Tehran": The Official Refresher of Summer | Israel today

7/27/2020, 10:13:19 PM

| TVTrue - not everything was perfect, and there were also holes in the plot • But thanks to healthy suspense and reliable acting, "Tehran" was able to meet the need of the audience that is less connected to reality Good TV, healthy suspense and reliable gameplay Photo:  Screenshot Now it can be said: "Tehran" is the official refresher here for the summer of 2020. Without sea and waves, without t...

True - not everything was perfect, and there were also holes in the plot • But thanks to healthy suspense and reliable acting, "Tehran" was able to meet the need of the audience that is less connected to reality

  • Good TV, healthy suspense and reliable gameplay



Now it can be said: "Tehran" is the official refresher here for the summer of 2020. Without sea and waves, without tiny swimsuits and profanity, without fake scandals but with good TV, healthy suspense and reliable play, "Tehran" managed to meet the need of The audience that less connects to reality.

The mountains of rave reviews and articles with the producers who invested their personal money to fulfill the dream called "Tehran", accompanied the episodes of the series while Tamar tries to find a loophole that will allow her to neutralize Iranian air defense systems. Deep and painful whose end is not currently in sight.

The Iranian threat also seems to have been pushed back and it has become a problem that we will still have to solve, but not right now, after the corona. And some will say, I wish Iran was our biggest problem right now. Today it looks like a Mediterranean routine that has not been here for a long time - at least there is an enemy that can be seen with the eyes and not through a microscope.

"Tehran" succeeded thanks to a cast that hit Bull in almost all roles. Niv Sultan who led the series turns out to be a hardworking and talented actress, juggling her identities with great credibility. As well as Rabin Allenby as Milad and Liraz Cherki as its operator. 

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Not everything was perfect this season and small holes in the plot caused eyebrows to be raised here and there (for example: how could it be that the hotel receptionist recognizes the institution's assassins coming and no one stops them), but in general the script held suspense and created a real sense of tight story. 

I will not make a spoiler for those who have not yet watched the last episode, but I am so glad that the creators chose the end they chose, even though it could be seen coming. Any other ticking option would have been disappointing.

"Tehran" is another seal of quality that can be proud of here. In these days when there are attempts to privatize the corporation and change the existing one, it is worthwhile to see all the quality work that comes out of there and reconsider whether something really needs to be changed there. 

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