The Limited Times

20 experts warn whether or not it is safe for children to return to school

7/27/2020, 7:46:36 PM

Returning children to school could be a difficult decision for parents in the United States, which is why health experts speak from their own experience.

Back to school is one of the issues that most worries parents about the current coronavirus pandemic and the fear that children will become infected and may become foci of infection.

Although the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has a guide for children's return to school, parents and teachers feel that this may not be enough to safeguard the well-being of minors and their families.

The CNBC site interviewed 20 specialists who gave their opinion on this controversial issue, since they have school-age children and have also been concerned about their health.

Six of the medical experts were confident in sending their children to school, eight preferred to wait to see how the situation unfolds, while the other six opted for the distance education option.

This could change over the next few months, especially as the return to school date approaches, as physician Jeremy Faust explained: "The answers will depend on how well the COVID-19 is controlled."

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Dr. Ashish Jha said that safe spaces can be created free of coronavirus for classes to be face-to-face, in addition to the fact that children have been shown to be less likely to contract the virus and spread it.

However, it does not recommend sending children to school in states where outbreaks continue and cases are on the rise.

Most of the specialists consulted are hoping that security measures can guarantee compliance with certain norms that prevent contagion among children, but if it does not occur in the following weeks, they could choose not to send the children to school.

This is the case of many parents, who have not yet decided what they will do with the return to school and are analyzing the best option, in collaboration with the school authorities.

"I strongly believe in sending children back to school, but it has to be done safely for them and the teachers," said Dr. Megan Ranney.

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