The Limited Times

Airbrushing on ice in the new Jalisse video - Preview

7/27/2020, 3:49:26 PM

Singular art form for the single 'Don't be afraid to call it love' (ANSA)"Don't be afraid to call it love" is the official video of Jalisse and Teodasia, previewed on The song, released during the lockdown period, talks about the courage to love without restrictions and fears and anticipates the publication of a new album of unreleased songs. The video clip plays on the water that regenerates and on the contrast between the warmth of a feeling and the glacial ...

"Don't be afraid to call it love" is the official video of Jalisse and Teodasia, previewed on The song, released during the lockdown period, talks about the courage to love without restrictions and fears and anticipates the publication of a new album of unreleased songs. The video clip plays on the water that regenerates and on the contrast between the warmth of a feeling and the glacial works of two master pastry chefs, Damaride Russi and Nicola Giotti, pioneers of the innovative airbrushing technique on ice.

Nicola Giotti recounts: “Being in charge of artistically interpreting the Jalisse song with a newborn art form, airbrushed ice, was for me and Dami one of the greatest challenges. The different representative paintings of the text enclose the two souls of this extraordinary love story trying to create contrasts, challenging the times and the direction of freezing and creating shapes and colors merged with the sun, the wind, nature ".

The summer single goes against the current with respect to the musical trend of the moment centered on Latin rhythms and the search for the catchphrase. In this dimension Jalisse are at ease with Alessandra Drusian, the melodies of Fabio Ricci and the sounds of the band of Teodasia with the production of Fabio for Music Catcher. The connection between the Jalisse and the Giotti / Russi masters was born thanks to the friendship with the world champion of the ice cream shop Beppo Tonon, also known in the art of carving food. 

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