The Limited Times

Couple names their son Lucifer, you have to know his incredible justification

7/27/2020, 7:46:19 PM

Despite the fact that the civil registry authorities warned the parents about the consequences of naming their baby "Lucifer", they did not reconsider.

Choosing the name of a baby is something that should not be taken lightly, since the choice that is made can determine some of the personality traits of the child, and also the perception that others will have towards him.

Despite the fact that there are thousands of beautiful names from diverse cultures, languages ​​and with powerful meanings, some of them that can even attract good fortune, a couple from England chose a very controversial name for their son.

The baby was born on April 6, but Dan and Mandy Sheldon , parents of the minor, could not register it until a few days ago, because the civil registry offices in Chesterfield, Derbyshire, were closed due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Although mom and dad had plenty of time to think about choosing their little one's name, they stood firm and registered him as Lucifier ... you read that right, Lucifer!

The case of Dan and Mandy was disclosed in local media after they denounced "mistreatment" by civil registry staff, according to information from The Sun.

“We were very excited to go check it out, but the woman looked at us with complete disgust. She told us that she could never get a job, and that the teachers would not want to teach her, "Dan explained to the quoted medium.

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Dan and Mandy are not linked with the satanic church or with any other type of worship, in reality they consider themselves "non-religious people". They were drawn to the name Lucifer for reasons that have nothing to do with the devil.

"We are not religious people, and Lucifer in Greek means 'light bearer' and 'tomorrow' , " said the father to The Sun .

The Sheldons explained this to the woman who cared for them, however, she insisted that it was not a good name for a child and asked them to leave the office to check if Lucifer was a name allowed under the law.

"He told us that it was illegal to name a child like that in New Zealand and that we could perhaps name it differently, but refer to him as Lucifer at home ... We were stunned by his behavior," Dan said.

The parents are convinced that Lucifer is a cute and original name, so they do not understand the behavior of the civil registry employee.

In response to the Sheldon family's complaint, Derbyshire County expressed its position on the treatment they received from the employee.

"We apologize if you were offended, but it is the job of our registrars to advise on these matters, as sometimes people are unaware of certain meanings or associations around certain names."

See also:

Corona and Covid, the names that a couple chose for their twins

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